Opencast — ist ein englischer Begriff für offene Audio und Videoinhalte insbesondere im akademischen Bereich. Es handelt sich um ein Kofferwort, das die Begriffe Open und Broadcast zusammenführt, wobei sich Open sowohl auf Open Source als auch auf Open… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Opencast — es un proyecto de ámbito internacional desarrollado por instituciones de educación superior que tiene por objetivo la creación y mantenimiento de software para la grabación de clases magistrales y su posterior procesado. Contenido 1 Comunidad… … Wikipedia Español
opencast — adj. same as opencut. Syn: opencut, strip(prenominal). [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
opencast — (N. Amer. open pit) ► ADJECTIVE Brit. ▪ (of mining) in which coal or ore is extracted from a level near the earth s surface, rather than from shafts … English terms dictionary
opencast — adjective Date: 1713 chiefly British worked from a surface open to the air < an opencast mine > < opencast mining > … New Collegiate Dictionary
opencast — o|pen|cast [ˈəupənka:st US ˈoupənkæst] adj [usually before noun] BrE an opencast mine is one where coal is taken out of holes in the ground near the surface, not from deep under the ground ▪ opencast mining … Dictionary of contemporary English
opencast — adj. Opencast is used with these nouns: ↑coal, ↑mine … Collocations dictionary
opencast — [[t]o͟ʊpənkɑːst, kæst[/t]] also open cast ADJ: ADJ n At an opencast mine, the coal, metal, or minerals are near the surface and underground passages are not needed. [BRIT] (in AM, use , open pit) … English dictionary
opencast — adjective BrE opencast mine/mining mines where minerals, especially coal, are dug from large open holes in the ground … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
opencast — UK [ˈəʊpənˌkɑːst] / US [ˈoʊpənˌkæst] adjective British an opencast mine is a mine where coal is dug from a large hole in the ground, rather than from a tunnel far under the ground … English dictionary
opencast mining — ➔ mining * * * opencast mining UK US noun [U] NATURAL RESOURCES ► the activity of taking minerals, especially coal, from the surface of the ground rather than from passages dug under it: »The demand is for compensation for damage done to the land … Financial and business terms