- open-end
- допускающий дополнение, возобновление (напр. об ипотеке) - open-end credit - open-end company
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
open-end — ˈopen end adjective [only before a noun] an open end fund or trust does not have a fixed number of shares: • an open end mutual fund * * * open end UK US adjective ► (also open ended) FINANCE used to describe an investment fund in which shares… … Financial and business terms
open–end — adj: organized to allow for contingencies: as a: permitting additional debt to be incurred under the original debt instrument subject to specified conditions see also open end mortgage at mortgage b: having fluctuating capitalization of shares… … Law dictionary
open end — 〈[oʊpən ɛ̣nd]〉 ohne zeitliche Begrenzung, ohne zeitliches Limit (von Diskussionen, Veranstaltungen, Tagungen usw.) [engl., „offenes Ende“] * * * open end [ oʊpn̩ ɛnd ; engl., eigtl. = offenes Ende]: ohne ein vorher auf einen bestimmten Zeitpunkt… … Universal-Lexikon
open-end — ● open end adjectif invariable (anglais open, ouvert, et end, extrémité) Se dit de la filature sur métier à filer à fibres libérées … Encyclopédie Universelle
open-end — [ō′pən end′] adj. 1. of or pertaining to an investment company that has no fixed limit to the number of shares issued, so that the shares are issued and redeemed as demand requires 2. allowing the borrowing of additional funds over a period of… … English World dictionary
Open End — Open Ẹnd , das; s, s (kurz für Open End Veranstaltung) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
open end — adj. 1 Having room for future modifications or additions. 2 Issuing or redeeming stocks or other shares on demand on a continuous, ongoing basis, at whatever their current net values happen to be. Webster s New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis… … Law dictionary
open end — [ oup(ə)n ɛnd] <engl. ; eigtl. »offenes Ende«> ohne ein vorher auf einen bestimmten Zeitpunkt festgesetztes Ende (von Veranstaltungen u. Ä.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
open-end — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective : organized, formulated, or constituted to contain possibilities for various contingencies whether unspecified, merely inferable, or definitely stated: as a. : permitting additional debt to be incurred under the original… … Useful english dictionary
open-end — adjective Date: 1917 organized to allow for contingencies: as a. permitting additional debt to be incurred under the original indenture subject to specified conditions < an open end mortgage > b. having a fluctuating capitalization of shares that … New Collegiate Dictionary
open-end — /oh peuhn end /, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or like an open end investment company. 2. open ended (def. 2). [1905 10] * * * … Universalium