open subroutine
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открытая подпрограмма — — [http://www.iks] Тематики электросвязь, основные понятия EN open subroutine … Справочник технического переводчика
Fortran language features — This is a comprehensive overview of features of the Fortran 95 language, the version supported by almost all existing Fortran compilers. Old features that have been superseded by new ones are not described few of those historic features are used… … Wikipedia
PIC microcontroller — PIC microcontrollers in DIP and QFN packages … Wikipedia
FOCAL-69 — was the landmark version of the FOCAL programming language, more widely publicized than the original version of the language created in 1968. FOCAL 69, created by Richard Merrill is important because: * It was the basis for all later derivatives… … Wikipedia
AppleScript — Paradigm(s) Natural language, Scripting … Wikipedia
Visual Basic for Applications — (VBA) Paradigm(s) Multi paradigm Appeared in 1993 Developer Microsoft … Wikipedia
Coroutine — Coroutines are computer program components that generalize subroutines to allow multiple entry points for suspending and resuming execution at certain locations. Coroutines are well suited for implementing more familiar program components such as … Wikipedia
Perl 6 — Infobox programming language name = Perl paradigm = Multi paradigm year = 2000 designer = Larry Wall latest release version = pre release latest release date = typing = dynamic, static influenced by = Perl 5, Haskell, Smalltalk influenced =… … Wikipedia
Color BASIC — is the implementation of Microsoft BASIC that is included in the ROM of the Tandy/Radio Shack TRS 80 Color Computers ( CoCos ) manufactured between 1980 and 1991. BASIC (Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is a high level language… … Wikipedia
Forth (programming language) — infobox programming language name = Forth paradigm = Procedural, stack oriented year = 1970s designer = Charles H. Moore typing = typeless dialects = colorForth, Open Firmware implementations = Forth, Inc., GNU Forth, MPE influenced by =… … Wikipedia
ABAP — Infobox programming language name = ABAP/4 logo = paradigm = Object oriented, structured, imperative year = 1980s designer = SAP AG typing = Static, strong, safe, nominative implementations = SAP R/2,SAP R/3 dialects = influenced by = Objective C … Wikipedia