- open public meeting
- общее собрание, митинг/собрание представителей общественности, открытое заседание
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Open space — may refer to: In urban planning and conservation ethics Landscape, areas of land without human built structures Open space reserve, areas of protected or conserved land on which development is indefinitely set aside Urban open space, urban areas… … Wikipedia
meeting — I (conference) noun assembly, caucus, colloquy, conclave, concursus, congressio, consistory, consultation, convention, conventus, convocation, discussion, encounter, exchange of views, forum, gathering, interchange of views, negotiation, open… … Law dictionary
open to — [phrasal verb] 1 open (something) to (someone or something) : to allow (a particular group of people) to enter, use, or participate in (something) He opens his home to anyone who needs a place to stay. This year, we ve opened the contest to all… … Useful english dictionary
Public library — The Toronto Reference Library, centerpiece of the Toronto Public Library system … Wikipedia
meeting — noun 1 when people come together to discuss/decide sth ADJECTIVE ▪ frequent, regular ▪ annual, biannual, biennial, daily, monthly, quarterly, weekly … Collocations dictionary
meeting — n. 1) to call, convene a meeting 2) to arrange, hold, organize a meeting 3) to chair, conduct, preside over a meeting 4) to adjourn; break up a meeting 5) to call off, cancel a meeting 6) a chance; clandestine, secret; closed; mass; open;… … Combinatory dictionary
public — /pub lik/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or affecting a population or a community as a whole: public funds; a public nuisance. 2. done, made, acting, etc., for the community as a whole: public prosecution. 3. open to all persons: a public meeting. 4 … Universalium
public — /ˈpʌblɪk / (say publik) adjective 1. of, relating to, or affecting the people as a whole or the community, state, or nation: public affairs. 2. done, made, acting, etc., for the people or community as a whole: a public prosecutor. 3. open to all… …
public — adj. & n. adj. 1 of or concerning the people as a whole (a public holiday; the public interest). 2 open to or shared by all the people (public baths; public library; public meeting). 3 done or existing openly (made his views public; a public… … Useful english dictionary
public — pub•lic [[t]ˈpʌb lɪk[/t]] adj. 1) of, pertaining to, or affecting a population or a community as a whole: a public nuisance[/ex] 2) done, made, acting, etc., for the community as a whole: public prosecution[/ex] 3) open to all persons: a public… … From formal English to slang
Open field system — Generic map of a medieval manor, showing strip farming, from William R. Shepherd, Historical Atlas, 1923 The open field system was the prevalent agricultural system in much of Europe from the Middle Ages to as recently as the 20th century in some … Wikipedia