open partition
Смотреть что такое "open partition" в других словарях:
Partition of Quebec — Partition in Quebec politics refers more correctly to the secession of regions of the province of Quebec than to partitions in strictly political sense. It is usually discussed as a possibility in the event of Quebec secession from Canada. It was … Wikipedia
partition — par‧ti‧tion [pɑːˈtɪʆn ǁ pər , pɑːr ] noun [countable] 1. a thin wall that divides one part of a large room from another, for example in an open plan office: • glass partitions 2. COMPUTING one of the parts that a computer’s memory, such as a… … Financial and business terms
Open Firmware — Open Firmware, or OpenBoot in Sun Microsystems parlance, is a standard defining the interfaces of a computer firmware system, formerly endorsed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). It originated at Sun, and has been… … Wikipedia
Open Disk Imager in a Nutshell — (ODIN) ist eine unter der GNU General Public License (GPL) stehende freie Windows Software, die es erlaubt, eine Partition zu klonen, indem von einer Quellpartition ein Speicherabbild erzeugt wird, welches auf eine Zielpartition geschrieben… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Open statistical ensemble — Statistical mechanics Thermodynamics · … Wikipedia
Partition of unity — In mathematics, a partition of unity of a topological space X is a set of continuous functions, { ho i} {iin I}, from X to the unit interval [0,1] such that for every point, xin X, * there is a neighbourhood of x where all but a finite number of… … Wikipedia
Partition topology — In mathematics, the partition topology is a topology that can be induced on any set X by partitioning X into disjoint subsets P; these subsets form the basis for the topology. There are two important examples which have their own names: The… … Wikipedia
Partition of India — The Partition of British India Colonial India … Wikipedia
Partition function (statistical mechanics) — For other uses, see Partition function (disambiguation). Partition function describe the statistical properties of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium. It is a function of temperature and other parameters, such as the volume enclosing a gas.… … Wikipedia
Partition of Belgium — The partition of Belgium, or the dissolution of the Belgian State through the separation of the Dutch speaking peoples of the Flanders region from the French speaking peoples of the Walloon Region, granting them either independence or respective… … Wikipedia
Open Door Policy — The Open Door Policy is a concept in foreign affairs, which usually refers to the policy in 1899 allowing multiple Imperial powers access to China, with none of them in control of that country. As a theory, the Open Door Policy originates with… … Wikipedia