open lighter
Смотреть что такое "open lighter" в других словарях:
lighter — lighter1 [līt′ər] n. a person or thing, as a mechanical or electrical device, that lights something or starts it burning [a cigarette lighter; charcoal lighter] lighter2 [līt′ər] n. [LME < MDu lichter < lichten, to make light, unload <… … English World dictionary
Open Season 2 — Film poster Directed by Matthew O Callaghan Todd Wilderman Produced by K … Wikipedia
Open G tuning — Open G tuning. Open G tuning is a tuning for guitar, such that the open strings play a G major chord with no fingering or capo. The standard Open G tuning is D G D G B D. Note that this leaves the D as the bottom of the chord, creating an… … Wikipedia
Lighter — For other uses, see Lighter (disambiguation). A generic, disposable lighter … Wikipedia
Lighter aboard ship — The lighter aboard ship (LASH) system refers to the practice of loading barges (lighters) aboard a larger vessel for transport. It was developed in response to a need to transport lighters, a type of unpowered barge, between inland waterways… … Wikipedia
lighter — lighter1 /luy teuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that lights or ignites. 2. a mechanical device used in lighting cigarettes, cigars, or pipes for smoking. [1545 55; LIGHT1 + ER1] lighter2 /luy teuhr/, n. 1. a large, open, flat bottomed barge, used… … Universalium
lighter — UK [ˈlaɪtə(r)] / US [ˈlaɪtər] noun [countable] Word forms lighter : singular lighter plural lighters 1) a small container that produces a flame, used especially for lighting cigarettes 2) a low open boat used for moving goods to and from ships … English dictionary
lighter — I light•er [[t]ˈlaɪ tər[/t]] n. 1) one that lights or ignites 2) a mechanical device used in lighting cigarettes, cigars, or pipes • Etymology: 1545–55 II light•er [[t]ˈlaɪ tər[/t]] n. 1) naut. navig. a large, open, flat bottomed barge, used in… … From formal English to slang
lighter — light|er [ˈlaıtə US ər] n 1.) a small object that produces a flame for lighting cigarettes etc 2.) a large, open, low boat used for loading and unloading ships … Dictionary of contemporary English
lighter — light|er [ laıtər ] noun count 1. ) a small container that produces a flame, used especially for lighting cigarettes 2. ) a low open boat used for moving goods to and from ships … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
lighter — noun (C) 1 a small object that produces a flame for lighting cigarettes etc 2 a large, open, low boat used for loading and unloading ships … Longman dictionary of contemporary English