open filter
Смотреть что такое "open filter" в других словарях:
Open Geospatial Consortium — Typ Gemeinnützige Organisation Gründung 1994 Aktionsraum Weltweit Schwerpunkt Entwicklung offener Standards Mitglieder 437 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Open XML Paper Specification — (OpenXPS) Filename extension .oxps, .xps Internet media type application/oxps, application/ xpsdocument Developed by Micro … Wikipedia
Open GIS Consortium — Open Geospatial Consortium Typ gemeinnützige Organisation Gegründet 1994 Mitglieder 384 [1] Slogan Entwicklung offener Standards … Deutsch Wikipedia
Open Sound Control — (OSC) ist ein nachrichtenbasiertes Kommunikationsprotokoll, welches hauptsächlich für die Echtzeitverarbeitung von Sound über Netze und Multimedia Installationen verwendet wird. Steuersignale können von Hardware (z. B. MIDI Keyboard) oder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Open Notebook Science — is the practice of making the entire primary record of a research project publicly available online as it is recorded. This involves placing the personal, or laboratory, notebook of the researcher online along with all raw and processed data, and … Wikipedia
Open discourse — is a technical term employed in discourse analysis and Sociolinguistics which is contrasted with Closed Discourse. The concept of open and closed discourse is associated with the overlay of open and closed discourse communities and open and… … Wikipedia
Open brain coral — Green open brain coral Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Open Language Tools — Original author(s) Sun Microsystems Developer(s) Sun Microsystems Initial release September 11, 2006 (2006 09 11) Stable release … Wikipedia
Filter (optics) — Coloured and Neutral Density filters Optical filters are devices which selectively transmit light of different wavelengths, usually implemented as plane glass or plastic devices in the optical path which are either dyed in the mass or have… … Wikipedia
Open Proxy — Ein Proxy (von engl. „proxy representative“ = Stellvertreter, bzw. lat. „proximus“ = der Nächste) arbeitet als Vermittler, der auf der einen Seite Anfragen entgegennimmt, um dann über seine eigene Adresse eine Verbindung zur anderen Seite… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Open Access movement — The Open Access movement is a social movement in academia, dedicated to the principle of open access to information sharing for the common good.The movement traces its history at least back to the 1960s, but became much more prominent in the… … Wikipedia