open classroom

open classroom
амер. "открытый класс" (педагогический метод, используемый в начальном образовании;
состоит в индивидуальном подходе к каждому ученику) (американизм) факультативные занятия, факультатив

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "open classroom" в других словарях:

  • Open classroom — An open classroom is a student centered classroom design format popular in the United States in the 1970s. In its most extreme form, entire schools were built without interior walls, which made teaching loud and disruptive in worst case scenarios …   Wikipedia

  • open classroom — noun 1. : an informal flexible system of elementary education in which open discussions and individualized activities replace the traditional subject centered studies 2. : a classroom in an open classroom system …   Useful english dictionary

  • Open Classroom Charter School of Salt Lake City — The Open Classroom (often referred to as the O.C. ) is a K 8 charter school with a long history in Salt Lake City, Utah. It began as a private school and became a K 6 optional program of the Salt Lake City School District in 1977. In 2007, it… …   Wikipedia

  • open classroom — /oʊpən ˈklasrum/ (say ohpuhn klahsroohm) noun a design for a classroom in which the principles of open planning are applied to a classroom situation.. Also, open school …  

  • open classroom — Educ. 1. a spacious instructional area shared by several groups or classes in elementary school, permitting more individualized, less supervised project learning and movement of pupils from one activity to another. 2. a method or system utilizing …   Universalium

  • open classroom school — Synonyms and related words: alternate, alternative school, blab school, boarding school, central school, consolidated school, continuation school, correspondence school, country day school, dame school, day school, evening school, extension,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • open corridor — open corridor, = open classroom. (Cf. ↑open classroom) …   Useful english dictionary

  • open school — /oʊpən ˈskul/ (say ohpuhn skoohl) noun → open classroom …  

  • Open discourse — is a technical term employed in discourse analysis and Sociolinguistics which is contrasted with Closed Discourse. The concept of open and closed discourse is associated with the overlay of open and closed discourse communities and open and… …   Wikipedia

  • Classroom Performance Systems — Classroom Response Systems (CRS) is a technological way to assess students, more commonly known as Audience Response Systems. Unpublished research results by the author (Ward, 1991) in the early 1990s measured the difference between known… …   Wikipedia

  • Classroom (TV series) — Classroom was a video series created for the Channel 101 short film festival. Classroom , a parody of after school specials, left behind a legacy of five first place episodes, and ran for thirteen screenings, becoming the longest running prime… …   Wikipedia

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