- open a question
- поднять вопрос поднимать вопрос
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
open to question — not known for sure : ↑uncertain Her intentions are open to question. The author s exact meaning is open to question. • • • Main Entry: ↑question … Useful english dictionary
open to question — index controversial, debatable, disputable, doubtful, dubitative, equivocal, indefinite, indeterminate … Law dictionary
open-ended question — /ˌəυpən endɪd kwestʃən/ noun a question in a questionnaire which allows respondents to answer in some detail as they like without having simply to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ ● Open ended questions elicit answers that are original but hard to evaluate. ●… … Marketing dictionary in english
open to question — not clearly correct, debatable Your decision to allow liquor at the party is open to question … English idioms
Open domain question answering — In information retrieval, an open domain question answering system aims at returning an answer in response to the user’s question. The returned answer is in the form of short texts rather than a list of relevant documents. The system uses a… … Wikipedia
open-ended question — A question that requires respondents to provide answers in their own words, rather than yes , no , or don t know . Such questions as Why…? What…? When…? are asked without providing answers from which to choose. Open ended questions are often used … Big dictionary of business and management
open to question — Synonyms and related words: arguable, at issue, confutable, conjectural, contestable, controversial, controvertible, debatable, deniable, disputable, doubtable, doubtful, dubious, dubitable, iffy, in dispute, in doubt, in dubio, in question,… … Moby Thesaurus
Open-Ended Question — VP A question that requires more than a short answer, giving the respondent an opportunity to express opinions … Audio and video glossary
Question answering — (QA) is a type of information retrieval. Given a collection of documents (such as the World Wide Web or a local collection) the system should be able to retrieve answers to questions posed in natural language. QA is regarded as requiring more… … Wikipedia
Open educational resources — (OER) are digital materials that can be re used for teaching, learning, research and more, made available for free through open licenses, which allow uses of the materials that would not be easily permitted under copyright alone.[1] As a mode for … Wikipedia
open response — open response, open ended question An interview question that has no predetermined reply categories. The respondent s reply must be written down by the interviewer verbatim, and coded after all interviews are completed, or grouped into broad… … Dictionary of sociology