opcode register
Смотреть что такое "opcode register" в других словарях:
Opcode — Ein Opcode, auch op code oder operation code, ist eine Zahl, die die Nummer eines Maschinenbefehls für einen bestimmten Prozessortyp angibt. Alle Opcodes zusammen bilden den Befehlssatz des Prozessors oder der Prozessorfamilie. Jeder Befehl hat… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Opcode — In computer science, an opcode (operation code) is the portion of a machine language instruction that specifies the operation to be performed. Their specification and format are laid out in the instruction set architecture of the processor in… … Wikipedia
Index register — An index register in a computer s CPU is a processor register used for modifying operand addresses during the run of a program, typically for doing vector/array operations. Index registers were first used in the British Manchester Mark I computer … Wikipedia
Instruction register — In computing, an instruction register is the part of a CPU s control unit that stores the instruction currently being executed. In simple processors each instruction to be executed is loaded into the instruction register which holds it while it… … Wikipedia
PDP-11 architecture — The PDP 11 architecture is an instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). It is implemented by central processing units (CPUs) and microprocessors used in minicomputers of the same name. Additional… … Wikipedia
Zilog Z80 — One of the first Z80 microprocessors manufactured; the date stamp is from June 1976. Produced 1976 Common manufacturer(s) Zilog … Wikipedia
TI-990 — The TI 990 was a series of 16 bit minicomputers sold by Texas Instruments (TI) in the 1970s and 1980s. The TI 990 was a replacement for TI s earlier minicomputer systems, the TI 960 and the TI 980. It had several uniquely innovative features, and … Wikipedia
DEC Alpha — Alpha Designer Digital Equipment Corporation Bits 64 bit Introduced 1992 Design RISC Type Register Register Encoding Fixed … Wikipedia
PIC microcontroller — PIC microcontrollers in DIP and QFN packages … Wikipedia
TRIPS-Prozessor — Gehäuse des TRIPS Prozessors Der TRIPS Prozessor (Tera op, Reliable, Intelligently adaptive Processing System) ist ein Forschungsprozessor der University of Texas at Austin. Die Prozessorarchitektur ist so ausgelegt, dass sich weitere Kerne… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Assembly language — See the terminology section below for information regarding inconsistent use of the terms assembly and assembler. Motorola MC6800 Assembly Language An assembly language is a low level programming language for computers, microprocessors,… … Wikipedia