op. cit.
Смотреть что такое "op. cit." в других словарях:
CIT Group Incorporated — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda CIT Group Inc NYSE: CIT (una abreviatura de una pronta denominación social de la inversión comercial Trust) es un proveedor líder a nivel mundial comercial y finanzas del consumidor compañía, fundada en 1908. CIT… … Wikipedia Español
cit — CIT, cituri, s.n. (înv. şi reg.) Material textil de calitate inferioară, înflorat şi apretat, fabricat din bumbac. – Din tc. čit. Trimis de hai, 20.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 CIT s. v. stambă. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime cit s … Dicționar Român
CIT Group — CIT Group, Inc. Rechtsform Incorporated Gründung 1908 Sitz New York City … Deutsch Wikipedia
CIT — may refer to: Contents 1 Educational institutions 2 Companies 3 Other organizations 4 Biology and medicine … Wikipedia
Cit — Cit, n. [Contr. fr. citizen.] A citizen; an inhabitant of a city; a pert townsman; used contemptuously. Insulted as a cit . Johnson [1913 Webster] Which past endurance sting the tender cit. Emerson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
CIT — ist die Abkürzung für: CIT Group Cash In Transit (deutsch Geldtransport) Centrum Industrial IT, Forschungs und Entwicklungszentrum für industrielle Informationstechnik Corporate and Income Taxes, siehe Körperschaftssteuer, Einkommensteuer Chemie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cit´ron|like´ — cit|ron «SIHT ruhn», noun. 1. a pale yellow fruit, somewhat like a lemon but larger, with less acid and a thicker rind. The citron belongs to the rue family. 2. the shrub or small tree that it grows on. 3. its rind, candied and used in fruit… … Useful english dictionary
cit|ron — «SIHT ruhn», noun. 1. a pale yellow fruit, somewhat like a lemon but larger, with less acid and a thicker rind. The citron belongs to the rue family. 2. the shrub or small tree that it grows on. 3. its rind, candied and used in fruit cakes, plum… … Useful english dictionary
cit — Abreviatura del anión citrato carboxilato. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
CIT — [Abk. für Computer Integrated Telephony], spezielle Funktionen eines Telefonendgerätes, die beim Telefonieren in lokalen und öffentlichen Telefonnetzen erst mit der Integration eines Rechners (PC) möglich werden … Universal-Lexikon
cit. — cit. abbr. citato … Dizionario italiano