one-way repeater

one-way repeater
симплексный ретранслятор

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "one-way repeater" в других словарях:

  • repeater — /ri pee teuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that repeats. 2. a repeating firearm. 3. Horol. a timepiece, esp. a watch, that may be made to strike the hour or part of the hour. Cf. clock watch. 4. Educ. a pupil who repeats a course or group of courses …   Universalium

  • WAY-FM Network — The WAY FM Network is a national, non profit radio broadcasting network in the United States that primarily plays Contemporary Christian music operating in 25 states (as of July 2006). It is based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, while most… …   Wikipedia

  • repeater — re•peat•er [[t]rɪˈpi tər[/t]] n. 1) a person or thing that repeats 2) a firearm that can discharge a number of shots without reloading 3) hor a timepiece, esp. a watch, that can strike the hour or part of the hour 4) edu a pupil who repeats a… …   From formal English to slang

  • Amateur radio repeater — An amateur radio repeater is an electronic device that receives a weak or low level amateur radio signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher power, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. Many repeaters are… …   Wikipedia

  • Two-way radio — receiver which only receives content. Two way radios are available in mobile, stationary base and hand held portable configurations. Hand held radios are often called walkie talkies or handie talkies. A push to talk or Press To Transmit button is …   Wikipedia

  • Radio repeater — A radio repeater is a combination of a radio receiver and a radio transmitter that receives a weak or low level signal and retransmits it at a higher level or higher power, so that the signal can cover longer distances without degradation. This… …   Wikipedia

  • Cellular repeater — A cellular repeater, cell phone repeater, or wireless cellular signal booster, a type of bi directional amplifier (BDA) as commonly munications industry, is a device used to boost the cell phone reception to the local area by the usage of a… …   Wikipedia

  • National Emergency Alarm Repeater — The N.E.A.R. Warning Device. The National Emergency Alarm Repeater (NEAR) was a civilian emergency warning device in the United States. It was a 2 3 (5 7.5cm) square box designed to plug into a standard 110 volt power outlet to receive a special… …   Wikipedia

  • Selective calling — SECAL redirects here. For the French wine grape also known as Secal, see Jurançon (grape). In a conventional, analog two way radio system, a standard radio has noise squelch or carrier squelch which allows a radio to receive all transmissions.… …   Wikipedia

  • Automatic meter reading — [ smart meter ( [ Elster REX type R15] ) with 900MHz mesh network topology for AMR] Automatic meter reading, or AMR, is the technology of automatically collecting data from water meter or energy metering …   Wikipedia

  • Base station — The term base station can be used in the context of land surveying, wireless computer networking, and wireless communications.Land surveyingIn the context of external land surveying, a base station is a GPS receiver at an accurately known fixed… …   Wikipedia

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