one-to-one immersion

one-to-one immersion
мат. взаимно однозначное погружение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "one-to-one immersion" в других словарях:

  • Immersion lithography — is a photolithography resolution enhancement technique that replaces the usual air gap between the final lens and the wafer surface with a liquid medium that has a refractive index greater than one. The resolution is increased by a factor equal… …   Wikipedia

  • immersion — n. 1) total immersion 2) immersion in (total immersion in one s work) * * * [ɪ mɜːʃ(ə)n] total immersion immersion in (total immersion in one s work) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Immersion exhibit — An immersion exhibit is a naturalistic zoo environment that gives visitors the sense they re actually in the animals habitats. Buildings and barriers are hidden. By recreating sights and sounds from natural environments, immersion exhibits… …   Wikipedia

  • Immersion Composition Society — The Immersion Composition Society (ICS) is a network of speed composers, organized into independent groups, called lodges. [ idles/Content?oid=284098] HistoryThe ICS was started in Oakland, California… …   Wikipedia

  • immersion — /i merr zheuhn, sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of immersing. 2. state of being immersed. 3. state of being deeply engaged or involved; absorption. 4. baptism in which the whole body of the person is submerged in the water. 5. Also called… …   Universalium

  • Language immersion — is a method of teaching a second language (also called L2, or the target language). Unlike a more traditional language course, where the target language is simply the subject material, language immersion uses the target language as a teaching… …   Wikipedia

  • Total Immersion — is an approach to the coaching of swimming which concentrates on the hydrodynamics of the human body. Its chief proponent is American swimming coach, Terry Laughlin. The aim is to use the whole body to move in a streamlined, balanced way, like a… …   Wikipedia

  • Chinese Immersion School at De Avila — The Chinese Immersion School at De Avila is the latest incarnation of the historic Dudley Stone School, founded in San Francisco, California, in 1896 and surviving the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906. The kindergarten through fifth… …   Wikipedia

  • French immersion — is a form of bilingual education in which a child who does not speak French as his or her first language receives instruction in school in French. In most French immersion schools, children will learn to speak French and learn subjects such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Cupertino Language Immersion Program — (CLIP) is an alternative K 8 education program located at R.I. Meyerholz Elementary (K 5) and Sam H. Lawson Middle School (6 8) in the Cupertino Union School District (CUSD). It is one of four alternative programs in the district where enrollment …   Wikipedia

  • Submarine Escape Immersion Equipment — (SEIE) MK 10, also known as Submarine Escape and Immersion Equipment is a British designed whole body suit and one man life raft that allows submariners to escape from a sunken submarine. The suit provides protection against hypothermia and is… …   Wikipedia

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