Смотреть что такое "one-tier" в других словарях:
One-Tier Transaction — (одноуровневая сделка) сделка по секьюритизации, в которой активы продаются или закладываются непосредственно Спецюрлицу, и/или трасти, или депозитарию (в зависимости от структуры выпуска). Таким образом, активы не передаются по цепочке Спецюолиц … Ипотека. Словарь терминов
Tier 1b — is Burt Rutan s nickname for the suborbital tourist human spaceflight platform in development at Scaled Composites with Mojave Aerospace Ventures by The Spaceship Company for Virgin Galactic. It is an evolutionary development of Tier One, the… … Wikipedia
Tier Two — is Scaled Composites and Virgin Galactic s orbital human spaceflight program. The program s spacecraft will be based on SpaceShipTwo if that is successful. Initial plans call for the spacecraft to be named SpaceShipThree. External links… … Wikipedia
Tier 1 network — A tier 1 network is an Internet Protocol (IP) network that participates in the Internet solely via settlement free interconnection, also known as settlement free peering. Contents 1 Definition 2 History 3 Routing 4 … Wikipedia
Tier One — is Scaled Composites program of suborbital human spaceflight using the reusable spacecraft SpaceShipOne and its launcher White Knight. The craft are designed by Burt Rutan, and the project is funded 20 million US Dollars by Paul Allen. In 2004 it … Wikipedia
tier — [tɪə ǁ tɪr] noun [countable] one of several levels of quality, usually three: • Investors are going for the better value represented by middle tier and lower tier junk bonds (= bonds that have a high risk of not being repaid ) . • Iberia will… … Financial and business terms
tier — [tıə US tır] n [Date: 1400 1500; : Old French; Origin: tire order, rank ; ATTIRE] 1.) one of several levels or layers that rise up one above the other ▪ The lower tier has 10,000 seats. in tiers ▪ Terraces of olive trees rose in tiers. two… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Tier — may refer to: Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, one of two major economic research institutes in Taiwan Tier may refer to: a layer or ranking or classification group in any real or imagined hierarchy a layer in a multitiered software… … Wikipedia
Tier — Tier, n. [Perhaps fr. OF. tire, F. tire; probably of Teutonic origin; cf. OHG. ziar[=i] ornament, G. zier, AS. t[=i]r glory, ti[ e]r row, rank. But cf. also F. tirer to draw, pull; of Teutonic origin. Cf. {Attire}, v. t., {Tire} a headdress, but… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tier 1 — may refer to: Tier 1 capital Tier 1 network or Tier 1 carrier, an ISP which can connect to the entire Internet without paying transit fees Scaled Composites Tier One, Scaled Composites suborbital human spaceflight program Tier 1b, The Spaceship… … Wikipedia
Tier One — Tier One: White Knight Trägerflugzeug mit SpaceShipOne Raumgleiter Tier One ist der Name für das erste kommerzielle, private Raumfahrtprojekt der Firma Scaled Composites, das den Ansari X Prize gewann. Der Chefentwickler war Burt Rutan.… … Deutsch Wikipedia