one-sided surface

one-sided surface
односторонняя поверхность

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "one-sided surface" в других словарях:

  • sided — sid·ed || saɪdɪd adj. having sides; having sides of a particular type; having a particular number of sides saɪd n. surface; space immediately next to someone or something; facet; front or back of a two dimensional object; right or left half… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Roman surface — The Roman surface (so called because Jakob Steiner was in Rome when he thought of it) is a self intersecting mapping of the real projective plane into three dimensional space, with an unusually high degree of symmetry. The mapping is not an… …   Wikipedia

  • White-sided Jackrabbit — Taxobox name = White sided JackrabbitMSW3 Hoffmann | pages = 196] status = LR/nt | status system = IUCN2.3 status ref = IUCN2006 | assessors = Lagomorph Specialist Group | year = 1996 | id = 11792 | title = Lepus callotis | downloaded = 2006 05… …   Wikipedia

  • Single sided/double sided — The terms single sided and double sided refer to types of computer data storage media, and can have one of two meanings depending on the type of media to which they refer.Removable MediaFor removable media, the terms literally refer to the number …   Wikipedia

  • Double-sided disk — In computer science, a double sided disk is a disk of which both sides are used to store data. Early floppy disks only used one surface for recording. The term single sided disk was not common until the introduction of double sided disks, which… …   Wikipedia

  • Hidden surface determination — In 3D computer graphics, hidden surface determination (also known as hidden surface removal (HSR), occlusion culling (OC) or visible surface determination (VSD)) is the process used to determine which surfaces and parts of surfaces are not… …   Wikipedia

  • Incompressible surface — In mathematics, an incompressible surface, heuristically, is a surface, embedded in a 3 manifold, which has been simplified as much as possible while remaining nontrivial inside the 3 manifold. For a precise definition, suppose that S is a… …   Wikipedia

  • 2-sided — In topology, a compact codimension one submanifold F of a manifold M is said to be 2 sided in M when there is an embedding ::hcolon F imes [ 1,1] o M with h(x,0)=x for each xin F and ::h(F imes [ 1,1] )cap partial M=h(partial F imes [ 1,1] ).This …   Wikipedia

  • Orientability — For orientation of vector spaces, see orientation (mathematics). For other uses, see Orientation (disambiguation). The torus is an orientable surface …   Wikipedia

  • topology — topologic /top euh loj ik/, topological, adj. topologically, adv. topologist, n. /teuh pol euh jee/, n., pl. topologies for 3. Math. 1. the study of those properties of geometric forms that remain invariant under c …   Universalium

  • graph theory — Math. the branch of mathematics dealing with linear graphs. [1965 70] * * * Mathematical theory of networks. A graph consists of nodes (also called points or vertices) and edges (lines) connecting certain pairs of nodes. An edge that connects a… …   Universalium

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