- one-quadrant multiplier
- одноквадрантное множительное устройство, одноквадрантный умножитель
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Analog multiplier — In electronics, an analog multiplier is a device which takes two analog signals and produces an output which is their product. Such circuits can be used to implement related functions such as squares (apply same signal to both inputs), and square … Wikipedia
одноквадрантный умножитель — — [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999] Тематики электротехника, основные понятия EN one quadrant multiplier … Справочник технического переводчика
Гилберт, Барри — Барри Гилберт (англ. Barrie Gilbert, род. в 1937 в Борнмутe) английский инженер электронщик, автор более сорока изобретений,[1] включая ячейку Гилберта (Gilbert cell (англ.)русск.). Основатель транслинейной схемотехники ( … Википедия
Satellite modem — A satellite modem or sat modem is a modem used to establish data transfers using a communications satellite as a relay.There is a wide range of satellite modems from cheap devices for home internet access to expensive multifunctional equipment… … Wikipedia
Gilbert cell — In electronics, the Gilbert cell is an electronic multiplying mixer first described by Barrie Gilbert in 1968. The output current of the circuit is an accurate multiplication of the (differential) base currents of both inputs.A Gilbert cell can… … Wikipedia
Flash ADC — A Flash ADC (also known as a Direct conversion ADC) is a type of analog to digital converter that uses a linear voltage ladder with a comparator at each rung of the ladder to compare the input voltage to successive reference voltages. Often these … Wikipedia
Star Trek: The Next Generation (pinball) — Star Trek: The Next Generation Manufacturer Williams Release date November 1993 … Wikipedia
Parallax Propeller — chip The Parallax P8X32A Propeller chip, introduced in 2006, is a multi core architecture parallel microcontroller with eight 32 bit RISC CPU cores.[1] … Wikipedia
CORDIC — Trigonometry History Usage Functions Generalized Inverse functions Further reading … Wikipedia
Piezoelectricity — is the ability of some materials (notably crystals and certain ceramics, including bone) to generate an electric potentialPrinciples of Instrumental Analysis. 6th Edition, 2007. Skoog, Holler, and Crouch. Chapter 1, Sec. 1C 4, Pg. 9.] in response … Wikipedia
Augustus De Morgan — (1806 1871) Born 27 June 1806( … Wikipedia