one-off job
Смотреть что такое "one-off job" в других словарях:
one-off — adj. Single. Usu. one off job Task or undertaking different and distinct from others and not to be repeated … A concise dictionary of English slang
off-job training — offˈ job training or offˈ the job training noun The part of a training course that a trainee follows away from the workplace at a college, etc, eg one day a week • • • Main Entry: ↑off … Useful english dictionary
JOB, BOOK OF — (named for its hero (Heb. אִיּוֹב), ancient South Arabian and Thamudic yʾb; Old Babylonian Ayyābum, Tell el Amarna tablet, no. 256, line 6, A ia ab; either from yʾb, to bear ill will or compounded of ay where? and ʾab (divine) father ), one of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
off-the-job training — offˈ job training or offˈ the job training noun The part of a training course that a trainee follows away from the workplace at a college, etc, eg one day a week • • • Main Entry: ↑off … Useful english dictionary
Job production — involves producing a one off product for a specific customer. Job production is most often associated with small firms (making railings for a specific house, building/repairing a computer for a specific customer, making flower arrangements for a… … Wikipedia
off duty — {adj.} Not supposed to be at work; having free time; not working. * /Sailors like to go sight seeing, when they are off duty in a foreign port./ * /It seems that all the taxis in New York are off duty whenever it rains./ Often used with hyphens,… … Dictionary of American idioms
off duty — {adj.} Not supposed to be at work; having free time; not working. * /Sailors like to go sight seeing, when they are off duty in a foreign port./ * /It seems that all the taxis in New York are off duty whenever it rains./ Often used with hyphens,… … Dictionary of American idioms
Off Centre — This article is about the television show. For the book by Damon Knight, see Off Center. Off Centre Intertitle Genre Sitcom … Wikipedia
off-the-job — /awf dheuh job , of /, adj. 1. done, received, or happening away from or while not at one s job: off the job research. 2. temporarily not employed: off the job union members. [1965 70] * * * off the job «AWFTH uh JOB, OF », adjective. 1. not on… … Useful english dictionary
Job in rabbinic literature — This article treats Job in rabbinic literature.Job s lifeOwing to the importance of the Book of Job , the Talmudists occupied themselves frequently with its chief character. One of the amoraim expressed his opinion in the presence of Samuel ben… … Wikipedia
off-the-job — /awf dheuh job , of /, adj. 1. done, received, or happening away from or while not at one s job: off the job research. 2. temporarily not employed: off the job union members. [1965 70] * * * … Universalium