- one-night stand
- (американизм) одноразовое представление, лекция (американизм) (сленг) случайная связь;
роман на одну ночь
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
One-night stand — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un One Night Stand, es una relación entre dos individuos (No importa el sexo en este caso), en donde ninguna de las partes tiene intenciones inmediatas o expectativas de establecer una larga relación de encuentros… … Wikipedia Español
One-Night-Stand — 〈[wʌ̣nnaıtstænd] m. 6〉 sexuelle Beziehung für eine Nacht [engl.] * * * One Night Stand [ wʌnnaɪtstænd ], der; s, s [engl. one night stand, aus: one night = eine Nacht dauernd u. stand = Auftritt] (Jargon): flüchtiges sexuelles ↑ Abenteuer (4) für … Universal-Lexikon
one-night stand — {n. phr.} 1. A single performance given by a traveling company while on a tour. * /After they went bankrupt in the big cities, the traveling jazz quartet played one night stands in the country./ 2. A brief affair or sexual encounter. * / With… … Dictionary of American idioms
one-night stand — {n. phr.} 1. A single performance given by a traveling company while on a tour. * /After they went bankrupt in the big cities, the traveling jazz quartet played one night stands in the country./ 2. A brief affair or sexual encounter. * / With… … Dictionary of American idioms
one-night stand — one night stands N COUNT A one night stand is a very brief sexual relationship, usually one that is casual and perhaps only lasts one night. [INFORMAL] … English dictionary
One-Night-Stand — [ wʌn naitstænd] der; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. one night stand> flüchtiges sexuelles Abenteuer für eine einzige Nacht … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
one-night stand — (also one nighter) ► NOUN 1) informal a sexual relationship lasting only one night. 2) a single performance of a play or show in a particular place … English terms dictionary
one-night stand — n 1.) informal a) an occasion when two people have sex, but do not meet each other again ▪ I m not into one night stands. b) a person that you have sex with once and do not see again 2.) a performance of music or a play that is given only once in … Dictionary of contemporary English
one-night stand — noun count 1. ) a situation in which two people have sex once and then do not have a relationship with each other a ) a person that someone has sex with once and then does not have a relationship with 2. ) a play, concert, etc. that is performed… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
one-night stand — ☆ one night stand [wun′nīt΄ ] n. 1. a single appearance in one town by a traveling show, lecturer, etc. 2. a brief, casual sexual encounter: Also one nighter … English World dictionary
one-night stand — one′ night stand′ n. 1) sbz a) a single performance in one locale, as by a touring theater or music group, before moving on to the next engagement b) a place where such a performance is given 2) cvb inf Slang. a) a single and usu. casual act of… … From formal English to slang