one-legged — || ‚əʊn legd having an amputated leg … English contemporary dictionary
one-legged — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷( ̷ ̷) adjective 1. : having only one leg a one legged veteran 2. : lacking some important part or element so as to be faulty or altogether ineffective a one legged law … Useful english dictionary
one-legged — /wun legd , leg id/, adj. 1. having only one leg. 2. one sided, as an argument or point of view. 3. ineffectual because certain basic elements, measures, etc., are lacking: one legged legislation. [1835 45] * * * … Universalium
one legged — adjective Of or pertaining to having only one leg. A mono pod is a one legged equivalent to a tripod … Wiktionary
one-legged — adjective /ˈwʌnˌlɛɡəd/ Having only one leg. See Also: two legged, three legged, four legged … Wiktionary
does a one-legged duck swim in circles? — (USA) (US Southern) This is a response given to an unnecessary question for which the obvious answer is yes. Example: If you were to ask an Olympic archer whether she could put an arrow in an apple at ten yards, she could answer: Does a one… … The small dictionary of idiomes
One Leg Too Few — is a comedy sketch written by Peter Cook and most famously performed by Cook and Dudley Moore. It is a classic example of comedy arising from an absurd situation which the participants take entirely seriously, and a demonstration of the… … Wikipedia
one-leg|ged — «WUHN LEHG ihd, LEHGD», adjective. 1. having only one leg: »... one legged, pedestal based chairs, dining tables and coffee tables that have all the weightless elegance of a stemmed wine glass (Time). 2. Figurative. one sided: »a one legged… … Useful english dictionary
legged — /ˈlɛgəd/ (say leguhd), /lɛgd/ (say legd) adjective having a specified number or kind of legs: one legged; long legged. {leg + g + ed3} …
one — 1 /wVn/ number 1 the number one: one hundred and twenty one pounds ( 121) | The answer is on page forty one. | Can I have one coffee and two milkshakes please? 2 one or two a small number of people or things: There are one or two things to sort… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
As useful as a one-legged man in an arse-kicking contest — useless … Dictionary of Australian slang