- oncogenic
- мед. опухолеродный;
канцерогенный (медицина) опухолеродный;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
oncogenic — SYN: oncogenous. * * * on·co·gen·ic jen ik also on·cog·e·nous äŋ käj ə nəs adj 1) relating to tumor formation 2) tending to cause tumors <an oncogenic virus> <oncogenic tars> on·co·gen·i·cal·ly i k(ə )lē adv on·co·ge·nic·i·ty jə nis… … Medical dictionary
oncogenic — on·co·gen·ic (ŏn kō jĕnʹĭk, ŏng ) adj. Tending to cause or give rise to tumors: an oncogenic virus. [Greek onkos, mass, tumor; see oncology + genic.] on co·ge·nicʹi·ty ( jə nĭsʹĭ tē) n. * * * … Universalium
oncogenic — adj. describing a substance, organism, or environment that is known to be a causal factor in the production of a tumour. Some viruses are considered to be oncogenic; these include the papovaviruses, the retroviruses, certain adenoviruses and… … The new mediacal dictionary
Oncogenic retroviridae protein — Oncogenic retroviridae proteins are retroviral proteins that have the ability to transform cells. They can induce sarcomas, leukaemias, lymphomas, and mammary carcinomas. These include the gag onc fusion protein, rex, tax, v fms, ras, v myc, v… … Wikipedia
oncogenic virus — oncogenic virus. См. опухолеродный вирус. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
oncogenic viruses — an epidemiologic class of viruses that are acquired by close contact (including sexual contact) or injection and cause usually persistent infection; they may induce cell transformation and malignancy. Oncogenic viruses are included in the… … Medical dictionary
oncogenic — adjective Date: 1936 1. relating to tumor formation 2. tending to cause tumors • oncogenicity noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
oncogenic — adj. [Gr. onkos, swelling; gennaein, to produce] Tumor causing … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
oncogenic — adjective a) tending to cause the formation of tumors b) related to the formation of tumors … Wiktionary
oncogenic — adj. causing tumors; relating to formation of tumor; inclined to cause tumors … English contemporary dictionary
oncogenic — [ˌɒŋkə(ʊ) dʒɛnɪk] adjective Medicine causing development of a tumour or tumours. Derivatives oncogenesis noun oncogenicity noun … English new terms dictionary