oncer — noun /ˈwʌnsə/ a) A one pound note. , 1993: On whatever point Jane’s eyes rested, through whichever line her gaze ran, she saw cheques being signed, credit card counterfoils being scrawled across, standing orders being arranged, and cash –… … Wiktionary
Oncer — 1. something done or made only once; something for the nonce; 2. (obsolete) one pound note; £1 … Dictionary of Australian slang
oncer — see ancor … Old to modern English dictionary
oncer — Australian Slang 1. something done or made only once; something for the nonce; 2. (obsolete) one pound note; £1 … English dialects glossary
oncer — n British an alternative spelling of oneser … Contemporary slang
oncer — noun Brit. informal 1》 historical a one pound note. 2》 a person who does a particular thing only once … English new terms dictionary
oncer — onc·er … English syllables
oncer — /ˈwʌnsə/ (say wunsuh) noun 1. an aberration; something which happens once only. 2. a parliamentarian who has won a marginal seat in a landslide election and is likely to be voted out at the next election: *you ll have to beat all the other smart… …
oncer — £1 note … A concise dictionary of English slang
oncer — n. 1 Brit. hist. sl. a one pound note. 2 colloq. a thing that occurs only once. 3 Austral. colloq. an election of an MP likely to serve only one term … Useful english dictionary
Musik von Lombok — Tanz mit zwei Zylindertrommeln, Gamelan Gong Beleq, 1934 Die Musik von Lombok umfasst die Musikstile der indonesischen Insel Lombok, die insbesondere durch altmalaiische Kultureinflüsse der westlichen Nachbarinseln Bali und Java und durch die… … Deutsch Wikipedia