on the level

on the level
разг. честно, откровенно This was no fault of mine, on the level. ≈ Честно говоря, это не было моей ошибкой. Syn : honestly, truthfully (америк.) честно, правдиво

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "on the level" в других словарях:

  • on the level — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Honest and fair; telling the whole truth. * /Our teacher respects the students who are on the level with her./ * /Joyce wondered if the fortune teller was on the level./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • on the level — {adj. phr.}, {informal} Honest and fair; telling the whole truth. * /Our teacher respects the students who are on the level with her./ * /Joyce wondered if the fortune teller was on the level./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Level — Lev el (l[e^]v [e^]l), n. [OE. level, livel, OF. livel, F. niveau, fr. L. libella level, water level, a plumb level, dim. of libra pound, measure for liquids, balance, water poise, level. Cf. {Librate}, {Libella}.] 1. A line or surface to which,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Level of the sea — Level Lev el (l[e^]v [e^]l), n. [OE. level, livel, OF. livel, F. niveau, fr. L. libella level, water level, a plumb level, dim. of libra pound, measure for liquids, balance, water poise, level. Cf. {Librate}, {Libella}.] 1. A line or surface to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Level design — or game mapping is the creation of levels mdash;locales, stages, or missions mdash;for a video game (such as a console game or computer game). This is commonly done using level design tools, special software usually developed just for the purpose …   Wikipedia

  • Level — Lev el (l[e^]v [e^]l), a. 1. Even; flat; having no part higher than another; having, or conforming to, the curvature which belongs to the undisturbed liquid parts of the earth s surface; as, a level field; level ground; the level surface of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Level line — Level Lev el (l[e^]v [e^]l), a. 1. Even; flat; having no part higher than another; having, or conforming to, the curvature which belongs to the undisturbed liquid parts of the earth s surface; as, a level field; level ground; the level surface of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Level surface — Level Lev el (l[e^]v [e^]l), a. 1. Even; flat; having no part higher than another; having, or conforming to, the curvature which belongs to the undisturbed liquid parts of the earth s surface; as, a level field; level ground; the level surface of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • The Lost Vikings — is a side scrolling puzzle/platform video game series which was developed by Silicon Synapse (later Blizzard Entertainment). The first game, The Lost Vikings, was released in 1992 by publisher Interplay Entertainment for DOS, Amiga, Sega Mega… …   Wikipedia

  • The Art of Computer Programming — [ [http://www cs faculty.stanford.edu/ uno/taocp.html The Art of Computer Programming ] ] is a comprehensive monograph written by Donald Knuth that covers many kinds of programming algorithms and their analysis. Knuth began the project, which was …   Wikipedia

  • The Crystals — The Crystals, a singing group from the New York City area, were one of the most successful girl groups of the early 1960s, best remembered for the hit singles He s A Rebel , Da Doo Ron Ron and Then He Kissed Me . HistoryFormation and signing to… …   Wikipedia

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