on margin

on margin
с уплатой только части стоимости ценных бумаг

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "on margin" в других словарях:

  • margin — mar·gin / mär jən/ n 1: the difference between net sales and the cost of the merchandise sold from which expenses are usu. met or profits derived 2: the amount by which the market value of collateral is greater than the face value of a loan 3 a:… …   Law dictionary

  • Margin of safety (financial) — Margin of safety (safety margin) is the difference between the intrinsic value of a stock and its market price.. Another definition: In Break even analysis (accounting), margin of safety is how much output or sales level can fall before a… …   Wikipedia

  • Margin Call — Título Margin Call (España) El precio de la codicia (Argentina) Ficha técnica Dirección J. C. Chandor Producción Robert Ogden Barnum Michael Bena …   Wikipedia Español

  • Margin Call — Données clés Titre original Margin Call Réalisation J.C. Chandor Scénario J.C. Chandor Acteurs principaux Kevin Spacey Paul Bettany Jeremy Irons Zachary Qui …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Margin — may refer to: Margin (economics) Margin (finance), a type of financial collateral used to cover credit risk Margin (typography), the white space that surrounds the content of a page Margin (machine learning), the distance between a decision… …   Wikipedia

  • margin call — In futures markets, companies are required to make a deposit, known as a margin, with the clearing house. The margin is based on the company s exposure under its open positions, and if this increases, say, by an adverse movement in the price, the …   Law dictionary

  • margin — [mär′jən] n. [ME margine < L margo (gen. marginis): see MARK1] 1. a border, edge, or brink [the margin of the pond] 2. the blank space around the printed or written area on a page or sheet 3. a limit to what is desirable or possible 4 …   English World dictionary

  • Margin Walker — EP by Fugazi Released June 1989 Recorded …   Wikipedia

  • Margin of Error (The Wire) — Margin of Error The Wire episode Episode no. Season 4 Episode 6 …   Wikipedia

  • Margin — Mar gin, n. [OE. margine, margent, L. margo, ginis. Cf. {March} a border, {Marge}.] 1. A border; edge; brink; verge; as, the margin of a river or lake. [1913 Webster] 2. Specifically: The part of a page at the edge left uncovered in writing or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Margin draft — Margin Mar gin, n. [OE. margine, margent, L. margo, ginis. Cf. {March} a border, {Marge}.] 1. A border; edge; brink; verge; as, the margin of a river or lake. [1913 Webster] 2. Specifically: The part of a page at the edge left uncovered in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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