on continuing basis

on continuing basis
на постоянной основе

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "on continuing basis" в других словарях:

  • Continuing legal education — (CLE; also known as MCLE (mandatory or minimum continuing legal education)) is professional education of lawyers that takes place after their initial admission to the bar. In many states in the United States, CLE participation is required of… …   Wikipedia

  • Continuing professional development — (CPD) or Continuing professional education (CPE) is the means by which people maintain their knowledge and skills related to their professional lives. Contents 1 CPD research 2 CPD for medical professionals 3 CPD for lawyers …   Wikipedia

  • Continuing Mandamus — is a writ of Mandamus issued to a lower authority by the higher authority in general public interest asking the officer or the authority to perform its task expeditiously for an unstipulated period of time for preventing miscarriage of justice.… …   Wikipedia

  • Continuing Legal Education — (CLE) are requirements for attorneys in the United States to maintain their ability to practice law after initial admission to the bar. CLE is also known as MCLE (Mandatory Continuing Legal Education)CLE accreditation is given on a state by state …   Wikipedia

  • Continuing Claims — refers to unemployed workers that qualify for benefits under unemployment insurance. In order to be included in continuing claims, the person must have been covered by unemployment insurance and be currently receiving benefits. Data on… …   Investment dictionary

  • continuing education — n. a program of classes for adult students offered by a college, university, etc. on a part time basis, as for updating knowledge and skills in a professional field such as medicine * * * (AmE also continued education) n [U] education at any time …   Universalium

  • Continuing Medical Education — (CME) ist ein aus dem anglo amerikanischen stammender Begriff, der eine „kontinuierliche berufsbegleitende Fortbildung“ in der Medizin tätiger Ärzte bezeichnet.[1] Weitergefasst wird der Begriff als so genannte „Kontinuierliche berufliche… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • continuing education — n. a program of classes for adult students offered by a college, university, etc. on a part time basis, as for updating knowledge and skills in a professional field such as medicine …   English World dictionary

  • Basis of Union (Uniting Church in Australia) — The Basis of Union (often termed the BoU) is the document which formed the basis on which most congregations of the Congregational Union of Australia, Methodist Church of Australasia and Presbyterian Church of Australia united to form the Uniting …   Wikipedia

  • Continuing Anglican movement — Part of a series on the Continuing Anglican Movement Background Christianity · Western Christianity …   Wikipedia

  • Continuing education unit — A Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a measure used in continuing education programs, particularly those required in a licensed profession in order for the professional to maintain the license. Examples of people who need CEUs include interior… …   Wikipedia

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