on annual basis
Смотреть что такое "on annual basis" в других словарях:
Annual Basis — The return earned by an investment over the course of a year. Projections containing the phrase on an annual basis have usually used less than a year s worth of data to project a full year s worth of returns. For example, an investment might have … Investment dictionary
annual basis — yearly basis, something which is founded on periods of one year … English contemporary dictionary
annual basis — The technique in statistics of taking a figure covering a period of less than one year and extrapolating it to cover a full one year period. The process is known as annualizing. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
annual report — annual re·port n: a written report distributed to shareholders each year by a corporation that sets forth financial information (as an auditor s report, the selling prices of the corporation s stock, and the yearly profit) as well as statements… … Law dictionary
annual report to stockholders — USA annual report to stockholders, Also known as the annual report. A report containing financial statements and certain other information required by SEC regulations which is distributed to stockholders on an annual basis. By law, any public… … Law dictionary
annual information update — As required by the Prospectus Rules, a document prepared by a listed company on at least an annual basis that contains or refers to all regulated information that the company has published or made available to the public within and outside the EU … Law dictionary
annual — / ænjuəl/ adjective for one year ● an annual statement of income ● They have six weeks’ annual leave. ● The company has an annual growth of 5%. ● We get an annual bonus. ♦ on an annual basis each year ● The figures are revised on an annual basis … Dictionary of banking and finance
Annual Reports Section A — Infobox Journal discipline = Chemistry abbreviation = Ann. Rep. Prog. Chem. Sect. A website = http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/ic/index.asp publisher = Royal Society of Chemistry country = United Kingdom history = 1904 to present.… … Wikipedia
Annual Reports Section C — Infobox Journal discipline = Chemistry abbreviation = Ann. Rep. Prog. Chem. Sect. C website = http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/pc/index.asp publisher = Royal Society of Chemistry country = United Kingdom history = 1904 to present.… … Wikipedia
Annual Reports Section B — Infobox Journal discipline = Chemistry abbreviation = Ann. Rep. Prog. Chem. Sect. B website = http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/oc/index.asp publisher = Royal Society of Chemistry country = United Kingdom history = 1904 to present.… … Wikipedia
annual percentage rate — noun : a measure of the annual percentage cost of consumer credit (as in installment buying or a charge account) that is required by law to appear on statements of credit accounts and is variously computed but always takes into consideration the… … Useful english dictionary