- ominous silence
- зловещее молчание, зловещая тишина Syn : eerie silence
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
ominous — [äm′ə nəs] adj. [L ominosus] of or serving as an omen; esp., having the character of an evil omen; threatening; sinister ominously adv. ominousness n. SYN. OMINOUS implies a threatening character but does not necessarily connote a disastrous… … English World dictionary
ominous — adjective ominous clouds Syn: threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, inauspicious, unpropitious, unfavorable, unpromising; portentous, foreboding, fateful, premonitory; black, dark, gloomy; formal minatory; literary direful; rare… … Thesaurus of popular words
ominous — ominously, adv. ominousness, n. /om euh neuhs/, adj. 1. portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious: an ominous bank of dark clouds. 2. having the significance of an omen. [1580 90; < L ominosus portentous, equiv. to omin (s.… … Universalium
ominous — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. inauspicious, bodeful, fateful. See warning, prediction, threat. Ant., unthreatening. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. foreboding, portentous, threatening, forbidding, fateful, baleful, menacing,… … English dictionary for students
ominous — [[t]ɒ̱mɪnəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe something as ominous, you mean that it worries you because it makes you think that something unpleasant is going to happen. There was an ominous silence at the other end of the phone... The rolls of… … English dictionary
ominous — om|i|nous [ˈɔmınəs US ˈa: ] adj [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: ominosus, from omen] making you feel that something bad is going to happen ▪ How long will she be ill? he asked. There was an ominous silence . ▪ The car is making an ominous… … Dictionary of contemporary English
ominous — om|i|nous [ amınəs ] adjective making you think that something bad will happen: There was an ominous silence. ╾ om|i|nous|ly adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ominous — UK [ˈɒmɪnəs] / US [ˈɑmɪnəs] adjective making you think that something bad will happen There was an ominous silence. Derived word: ominously adverb … English dictionary
ominous — [ˈɒmɪnəs] adj making you think that something bad will happen an ominous silence[/ex] ominously adv … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
silence — n. 1) to impose silence 2) to keep, maintain, observe silence 3) to break (the) silence 4) (an) awkward; dead; eerie; hushed; ominous; prolonged; stony silence 5) (a) complete, perfect, total, utter; stony; stunned silence 6) silence reigns 7) in … Combinatory dictionary
silence — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 quietness ADJECTIVE ▪ lengthy, long, prolonged ▪ brief, momentary, a moment s, short ▪ There was a mome … Collocations dictionary