olympic torch
Смотреть что такое "olympic torch" в других словарях:
Olympic Torch — (Олимпия,Греция) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 89, Praxitelous Kondili st … Каталог отелей
Olympic torch — noun Since 1936, a lighted torch brought from Olympia, Greece, to kindle the Olympic flame, which burns throughout the Olympic games • • • Main Entry: ↑Olympus … Useful english dictionary
Olympic torch — olimpinis deglas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Specialus deglas su rankena olimpinei ugniai, įžiebtai iš Saulės spindulių Olimpijoje, nešti iki olimpinių žaidynių aukuro. Pirmą kartą olimpinis deglas uždegtas 1928 m.… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Olympic Torch (virus hoax) — Olympic Torch is a computer virus hoax sent out by e mail. The hoax e mails first appeared in February 2006. The virus referred to by the e mail does not actually exist. The only effect is that the warning email itself is widely circulated as a… … Wikipedia
Olympic torch relay — can refer to:* The ceremonial relaying of the Olympic Flame from Olympia, Greece, to the site of an Olympic Games, first performed at the 1936 Berlin Games * The 2004 Summer Olympics torch relay * The 2008 Summer Olympics torch relay … Wikipedia
Olympic torch relay race — olimpinio deglo estafetė statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Olimpinės ugnies gabenimas iš Olimpijos iki olimpinio stadiono. Maršrutą, gabenimo būdus, grafiką nustato olimpinių žaidynių organizacinis komitetas, pritarus Graikijos … Sporto terminų žodynas
List of Olympic torch relays — The ceremonial relaying of the Olympic Flame from Olympia, Greece, to the site of an Olympic Games, first performed at the 1936 Berlin Games.[1] Contents 1 Summer Olympic Games 2 Winter Olympic Games 3 … Wikipedia
Olympic symbols — Olympic Games Ancient Olympic Games Summer Olympic Games Winter Olympic Games Paralympic Games Youth Olympic Games Charter • IOC • NOCs • Symbols Sports • Competitors Medal tables • Medalists The Olympic symbols are icons … Wikipedia
Olympic Dream for Darfur — is an organization and campaign to pressure the Government of the People s Republic of China to intervene on the side of civilians in the Darfur conflict. It claims that the Chinese government has the requisite influence to pressure the Sudanese… … Wikipedia
Olympic medal — A silver medal awarded to the winner of an event at the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 Awarded for given to successful competitors in various Olympic Sports Presented by … Wikipedia
Olympic Charter — Olympic torch The Olympic Charter, last updated March 21, 1992, is a set of rules and guidelines for the organization of the Olympic Games, and for governing the Olympic Movement. Adopted by International Olympic Committee (IOC), it is the… … Wikipedia