old-fogey, old-fogy
Смотреть что такое "old-fogey, old-fogy" в других словарях:
old fogy — old fogyish, old fogeyish, adj. a person who is excessively old fashioned in attitude, ideas, manners, etc. Also, old fogey. [1825 35] * * * old fogey or old fogy noun A dull old person, or someone with old fashioned notions • • • Main Entry:… … Useful english dictionary
old fogy — Fogy Fo gy, n.; pl. {Fogies}. 1. A dull old fellow; a person behind the times, over conservative, or slow; usually preceded by old; an {old fogy}. [Written also {fogie} and {fogey}.] [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] Notorious old bore; regular old fogy.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
old fogy — or old fogey n. see FOGY … English World dictionary
old fogy — old fogyish, old fogeyish, adj. a person who is excessively old fashioned in attitude, ideas, manners, etc. Also, old fogey. [1825 35] * * * … Universalium
old fogy — /oʊld ˈfoʊgi/ (say ohld fohgee) noun a person who is excessively conservative or tiresomely antiquated in ideas or methods. Also, old fogey. –old fogyish, adjective …
old fogey — or old fogy noun A dull old person, or someone with old fashioned notions • • • Main Entry: ↑old * * * old fogey UK US noun [countable] [singular old fogey plura … Useful english dictionary
fogey — Fogy Fo gy, n.; pl. {Fogies}. 1. A dull old fellow; a person behind the times, over conservative, or slow; usually preceded by old; an {old fogy}. [Written also {fogie} and {fogey}.] [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] Notorious old bore; regular old fogy.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fogy — Fo gy, n.; pl. {Fogies}. 1. A dull old fellow; a person behind the times, over conservative, or slow; usually preceded by old; an {old fogy}. [Written also {fogie} and {fogey}.] [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] Notorious old bore; regular old fogy.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fogey — (also fogy) ► NOUN (pl. fogeys or fogies) ▪ a very old fashioned or conservative person. DERIVATIVES fogeydom noun fogeyish adjective fogeyism noun. ORIGIN related to earlier slang fogram, of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
old-fo|gey — old fogy or old fogey, an old fashioned or very conservative person. old fo|gy or old fo|gey «OHLD FOH gee», adjective. out of date; behind the times … Useful english dictionary
old-fo|gy — old fogy or old fogey, an old fashioned or very conservative person. old fo|gy or old fo|gey «OHLD FOH gee», adjective. out of date; behind the times … Useful english dictionary