- old-clothesman
- сущ. старьевщик, продавец подержанной одежды Syn : junkman, old-clothes man, old-clothes dealer, clothes-man
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
old-clothesman — old clothes·man … English syllables
old-clothesman — ˈōl(d)ˈklō(th)zˌman, ˌmaa(ə)n, mən noun (plural old clothesmen) : a dealer in secondhand clothing * * * old clothesˈman noun Someone who deals in cast off garments • • • Main Entry: ↑old … Useful english dictionary
rag-and-bone man — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ noun chiefly Britain : a usually itinerant dealer in things of small value (as secondhand clothes and old newspapers) : old clothesman * * * /rag euhn bohn /, Brit. a peddler who buys and sells used clothes, rags, etc.; junkman.… … Useful english dictionary
London Labour and the London Poor — Jack Black, l attrapeur de rats de Sa Majesté, 1851, tiré du volume 3, p. 11. London Labour and the London Poor est un reportage sur la vie des populations pauvres de Londres à l ère victorienne, écrit par le journaliste Henry Mayhew. Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
ragman — Synonyms and related words: Arab, beach bum, beachcomber, beggar, bo, bum, bummer, dogie, gamin, gamine, guttersnipe, hobo, homeless waif, idler, junk dealer, junkman, landloper, lazzarone, loafer, losel, mudlark, old clothesman, piker, rag and… … Moby Thesaurus