old man
Смотреть что такое "old man" в других словарях:
Old man — or Old man may refer to: Contents 1 Roles 2 People 3 In arts and fiction 4 Other 5 See also … Wikipedia
old man — n 1.) old fashioned informal someone s husband, father, or boyfriend ▪ I heard her old man beats her. 2.) BrE old fashioned used when speaking to a male friend ▪ Could I have a word with you, old man? … Dictionary of contemporary English
Old Man — (hombre viejo) puede referirse a: Old Man (caballo), caballo argentino de comienzos del siglo XX. Old Man (canción), canción del músico canadiense Neil Young. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título. Si… … Wikipedia Español
old man — (plural ,old men) noun the/my/his etc. old man SPOKEN someone s father or husband. This word offends some people … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
old man — ► NOUN 1) an elderly man. 2) (one s old man) informal one s father, husband, or male partner. 3) Brit. informal an affectionate form of address between men or boys … English terms dictionary
old man — Slang n. 1. one s father 2. one s husband 3. [usually O M ] any man in authority, as the head of a company, captain of a vessel, military commander, etc.: with the 4. one s boyfriend or lover, often, specif., when one lives with him 5. old Mr. :… … English World dictionary
old man — old man′ n. sl. 1) inf one s father 2) inf one s husband 3) cvb inf one s boyfriend or male lover 4) inf (sometimes caps.) a person in authority, as an employer or a commanding officer (prec. by the) … From formal English to slang
Old Man — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Old Man », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Old Man est une chanson de Neil Young. Old Man … Wikipédia en Français
old man — 1. n. (one’s) father. □ I’ll ask my old man if I can go. □ What time does your old man get home? 2. n. (one’s) husband. □ My old man is downstairs fixing the furnace. □ … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
old man — Synonyms and related words: Casanova, Don Juan, Father Time, Lothario, Methuselah, Nestor, Old Paar, Romeo, abba, amoroso, antediluvian, antique, back number, beau, benedict, boyfriend, caballero, cavalier, cavaliere servente, centenarian,… … Moby Thesaurus
old man — n Informal. 1. graybeard, old timer, old boy, elderly man, grandfather, venerable, patriarch, Methuselah; centenarian, nonagenarian, octogenarian, sexagenarian; senior citizen, golden ager, Inf. oldster; gaffer, codger, Sl. geezer; fogey, Sl.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder