old country
Смотреть что такое "old country" в других словарях:
old country — [n] native land fatherland, homeland, mother country, motherland, the old country*; concept 516 … New thesaurus
old country — old country, adj. the original home country of an immigrant or a person s ancestors, esp. a European country. [1775 85] * * * … Universalium
old country — ☆ old country n. the country from which an immigrant came: said esp. of a country in Europe … English World dictionary
old country — noun the country of origin of an immigrant (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑fatherland, ↑homeland, ↑motherland, ↑mother country, ↑country of origin, ↑native land * * * noun the old country … Useful english dictionary
old country — {n. phr.} Primarily Europe, but also any country other than the United States where one originally came from. * /Al s wife was born in Chicago but Al himself is from the old country, Ireland./ … Dictionary of American idioms
old country — {n. phr.} Primarily Europe, but also any country other than the United States where one originally came from. * /Al s wife was born in Chicago but Al himself is from the old country, Ireland./ … Dictionary of American idioms
old\ country — n. phr. Primarily Europe, but also any country other than the United States where one originally came from. Al s wife was born in Chicago but Al himself is from the old country, Ireland … Словарь американских идиом
Old Country Motel — (Thunder Bay,Канада) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: 500 Cumberland Str … Каталог отелей
old country, the — old ,country, the noun the country an IMMIGRANT was born in or their family originally came from. This phrases is used especially by Americans for referring to countries in Europe … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
old country — old′ coun try n. the original home country of an immigrant or a person s ancestors, esp. a European country • Etymology: 1775–85 … From formal English to slang
old country — old homeland, place from which an immigrant originally comes; homeland, motherland … English contemporary dictionary