old bean
Смотреть что такое "old bean" в других словарях:
old bean — (informal) An affectionate form of address, usu to a man • • • Main Entry: ↑bean * * * old bean, British Slang. old fellow; old man (as a familiar form of address). * * * I Brit., informal … Useful english dictionary
old bean — ► old bean Brit. informal, dated a friendly form of address. Main Entry: ↑bean … English terms dictionary
old bean — Noun. A form of address. E.g. Hello old bean, how are you today? … English slang and colloquialisms
old bean Brit. — old bean Brit. informal, dated a friendly form of address. → bean … English new terms dictionary
old bean — noun An old friend … Wiktionary
old bean — form of address (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary
old bean — Term of familiar address … A concise dictionary of English slang
bean — ► NOUN 1) an edible seed growing in long pods on certain plants. 2) the hard seed of a coffee or cocoa plant. 3) informal a very small amount or nothing at all: there is not a bean of truth in the report. 4) informal, dated a person s head. ►… … English terms dictionary
bean, old — The Clasgow Herald, in 1920, equated the terms ‘old bean’ and ‘old thing’ and associated them with the English spoken by Piccadilly toffs. Sinclair Lewis seems to do something rather similar in Babbitt, published in 1922. He puts ‘old bean’… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
bean — /bin / (say been) noun 1. the edible fruit or seed of various species of the family Fabaceae especially of the genus Phaseolus used either fresh or dried. 2. a plant producing such seeds. 3. any of various other bean like seeds or plants, as the… …
bean — 1 noun (C) 1 VEGETABLE a) a seed from one of many types of climbing plants, that is often used as food b) a pod (=seed case) from a bean plant that is used as food when the seeds are young: green beans 2 PLANT a plant that produces beans 3 COFFEE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English