
ˈɔɪlmən сущ.
1) а) нефтепромышленник б) работник нефтяной компании;
2) рабочий на маслобойном заводе, в маслодавильном цехе;
3) торговец оливковым маслом и продуктами, законсервированными в нем
4) смазчик Syn : oiler
1) москательщик смазчик (американизм) нефтепромышленник (разговорное) продавец картин (написанных маслом) oilman москательщик ~ амер. нефтепромышленник ~ смазчик

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "oilman" в других словарях:

  • oilman — oil‧man [ˈɔɪlmæn] noun oilmen PLURALFORM [ men] [countable] JOBS someone who owns an oil company or who works in the oil industry * * * oilman UK US /ˈɔɪlmən/ noun [C] (plural oilmen) ► NATURAL RESOURCES a man who owns an oil company, or who… …   Financial and business terms

  • Oilman — Oil man, n.; pl. {Oilmen}. 1. One who deals in oils; formerly, one who dealt in oils and pickles. [1913 Webster] 2. A person working in the petroleum industry, esp. an oil company executive. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • oilman — [oil′mən] n. pl. oilmen [oil′mən] 1. a person working in an oil field 2. an entrepreneur or executive in the petroleum industry …   English World dictionary

  • oilman — UK [ˈɔɪlˌmæn] / US noun [countable] Word forms oilman : singular oilman plural oilmen UK [ˈɔɪlˌmen] / US a man who owns an oil company or who works in the oil industry …   English dictionary

  • oilman — [[t]ɔ͟ɪlmæn[/t]] oilmen also oil man N COUNT An oilman is a man who owns an oil company or who works in the oil business. [JOURNALISM] Five oilmen were injured when a gas explosion shook a North Sea oil rig yesterday …   English dictionary

  • oilman — noun Date: 1865 1. an oil company executive 2. an oil field worker …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • oilman — /oyl man , meuhn/, n., pl. oilmen / men , meuhn/. 1. a person who owns or operates oil wells or an executive in the petroleum industry. 2. a person who retails or delivers oil, esp. fuel oil for furnaces. [1400 50; late ME; see OIL, MAN1] Usage.… …   Universalium

  • oilman — noun a) Somebody involved in the production, refinement or delivery of oil; such as an oil field worker or executive, or the owner of an oil well. b) A retailer who sells vegetable oils, and food preserved in oil …   Wiktionary

  • oilman — oil|man [ˈɔılmæn] n plural oilmen [ men] someone who owns an oil company or works in the oil industry …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • oilman — oil|man [ ɔıl,mæn ] (plural oil|men [ ɔıl,men ] ) noun count a man who owns an oil company or who works in the oil industry …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • oilman — noun (plural oilmen) an owner or employee of an oil company …   English new terms dictionary

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