oil-water interfacial tension

oil-water interfacial tension
поверхностное натяжение на границе раздела воды и нефти

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "oil-water interfacial tension" в других словарях:

  • Microbial enhanced oil recovery — (MEOR) is a biological based technology consisting in manipulating function or structure, or both, of microbial environments existing in oil reservoirs. The ultimate aim of MEOR is to improve the recovery of oil entrapped in porous media while… …   Wikipedia

  • поверхностное натяжение на границе раздела воды и нефти — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN oil water interfacial tension …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Dewetting — In fluid mechanics, dewetting is one of the processes that can occur at a solid–liquid or liquid–liquid interface. Generally, dewetting describes the rupture of a thin liquid film on the substrate (either a liquid itself, or a solid) and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Microemulsion — Microemulsions are clear, thermodynamically stable, isotropic liquid mixtures of oil, water and surfactant, frequently in combination with a cosurfactant. The aqueous phase may contain salt(s) and/or other ingredients, and the oil may actually be …   Wikipedia

  • Surfactant — Surfactants are wetting agents that lower the surface tension of a liquid, allowing easier spreading, and lower the interfacial tension between two liquids. Etymology The term surfactant is a blend of surface acting agent . Surfactants are… …   Wikipedia

  • protein — proteinaceous /proh tee nay sheuhs, tee i nay /, proteinic, proteinous, adj. /proh teen, tee in/, n. 1. Biochem. any of numerous, highly varied organic molecules constituting a large portion of the mass of every life form and necessary in the… …   Universalium

  • Phase (matter) — In the physical sciences, a phase is a region of space (a thermodynamic system), throughout which all physical properties of a material are essentially uniform.[1] Examples of physical properties include density, index of refraction, and chemical …   Wikipedia

  • Emulsion — A. Two immiscible liquids, not yet emulsified B. An emulsion of Phase II dispersed in Phase I C. The unstable emulsion progressively separates D. The surfactant (purple outline around particles) positions itself on the interfaces between Phase II …   Wikipedia

  • Bancroft rule — The Bancroft rule states: The phase in which an emulsifier is more soluble constitutes the continuous phase. It was named after Wilder Dwight Bancroft, an American physical chemist.In all of the typical emulsions, there are tiny particles… …   Wikipedia

  • Lipophilicity — Lipophilicity, fat liking , refers to the ability of a chemical compound to dissolve in fats, oils, lipids, and non polar solvents such as hexane or toluene. [Compendium of Chemical Terminology, [http://goldbook.iupac.org/L03572.html lipophilic] …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic paper — Electronic paper, also called e paper, is a display technology designed to mimic the appearance of ordinary ink on paper. Unlike a conventional flat panel display, which uses a backlight to illuminate its pixels, electronic paper reflects light… …   Wikipedia

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