Смотреть что такое "oil-firing" в других словарях:
Oil burner (engine) — This article is about the engine. For a meaning related to heating device, see Oil burner. Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Locomotive No.787 after conversion to oil firing. An oil burner engine is a steam engine that uses oil as its fuel. The term… … Wikipedia
Oil City Area School District — Address 825 Grandview Road Oil City, Pennsylvania, Venango, 16301 … Wikipedia
Oil shale in Estonia — Outcrop of Ordovician kukersite oil shale, northern Estonia Oil shale in Estonia is an important resource for the national economy. Estonia s oil shale deposits account for just 17% of total deposits in the European Union but the country… … Wikipedia
Oil shale industry — Stuart oil shale pilot plant (now dismantled) Oil shale industry is an industry of mining and processing of oil shale a fine grained sedimentary rock, containing significant amounts of kerogen (a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds), from … Wikipedia
Oil pump (internal combustion engine) — This article is about a part in an internal combustion engine. For other uses, see Oil pump. Oil circulation system … Wikipedia
oil — Synonyms and related words: Barbados tar, Haliver Oil, Macassar oil, absinthe, adipose tissue, adulation, aid, alcohol, animal oils, anoint, anthracene oil, aquarelle, asphalt base oil, avocado oil, balm, balsam, bay oil, beechnut oil, beef… … Moby Thesaurus
firing point — noun : a position (as on a firing line) from which a weapon is fired * * * firing point noun The temperature at which a flammable oil catches fire spontaneously • • • Main Entry: ↑fire … Useful english dictionary
oil spot — noun 1. : one of the pale transparent areas on the upper leaf surface in the early stages of downy mildew of the grape 2. : oleocellosis * * * n. an oily patch or mark ■ a silvery marking on brown Chinese porcelain (esp. of the Sung period)… … Useful english dictionary
firing — Synonyms and related words: afflatus, agitation, alcohol, animating spirit, animation, animus, antiaircraft fire, archery, arousal, benzine, briquette, burnable, butane, carbon, cashiering, casting, charcoal, chucking, coal, coke, combustible,… … Moby Thesaurus
History of the Venezuelan oil industry — Venezuela is the fifth largest oil exporting country in the world with the largest reserves of heavy crude oil. Pre discovery years 1907In the years before the Spanish conquistadors, the indigenous people of Venezuela had already encountered… … Wikipedia
Deepwater Horizon oil spill — 2010 oil spill and BP oil spill redirect here. For other oil spills in 2010, see 2010 oil spill (disambiguation). For the 2006 oil spill involving BP, see Prudhoe Bay oil spill. For the drilling rig and explosion, see Deepwater Horizon… … Wikipedia