oil occurrence
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Oil shale in Jordan — represents a significant resource. Oil shale deposits in Jordan underlie more than 60% of Jordanian territory, with the total resources estimated at 40 to 70 billion tonnes of oil shale.[1] The deposits include a high quality marinite oil… … Wikipedia
Oil shale reserves — refers to oil shale resources that are recoverable under given economic restraints and technological abilities. Oil shale deposits range from small presently non economic occurrences to large presently commercially exploitable reserves. Defining… … Wikipedia
Oil and gas law in the United States — is the branch of law that pertains to the acquisition and ownership rights in oil and gas both under the soil before discovery and after its capture, and adjudication regarding those rights. Drilling companies most often lease the rights to drill … Wikipedia
Oil shale in Israel — is widespread but an undeveloped resource, largely because of economic and technological constraints. Israeli oil shales belong to the group of Upper Cretaceous marinites. Although oil shale deposits may lie under as much as 15% of the country,… … Wikipedia
Oil shale geology — Main article: Oil shale Outcrop of Ordovician kukersite oil shale, northern Estonia. Oil shale geology is a branch of geologic sciences which studies the formation and composition of … Wikipedia
oil shale — Geol. a black or dark brown shale or siltstone rich in bitumens, from which shale oil is obtained by destructive distillation. [1870 75] * * * Any fine grained sedimentary rock that contains solid organic matter (kerogen) and yields significant… … Universalium
Oil shale in Estonia — Outcrop of Ordovician kukersite oil shale, northern Estonia Oil shale in Estonia is an important resource for the national economy. Estonia s oil shale deposits account for just 17% of total deposits in the European Union but the country… … Wikipedia
Oil spill governance in the United States — This article covers oil spill governance under United States federal law. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Timeline of key events 3 Governance framework 3.1 Legislation governing oil spill … Wikipedia
Oil and gas deposits in the Czech Republic — The small oil and gas deposits in the Czech Republic are located mainly in south Moravia. Their exploration started in the early years of 20th century, first commercial oil extraction opened in 1919. In 2005 340,600 m³ of crude oil and 98.75… … Wikipedia
Oil and gas formation — is a thick mass of interstratified rocks of regional or areal occurrence, comprising oil and (or) gas layers. The oil and gas formation capacity amounts to hundreds of meters, in rare occasions it may be more. Oil and gas formations are named… … Glossary of Oil and Gas
Langues d'oïl — The geographical spread of the Oïl languages (other than French) can be seen in shades of green and yellow on this map The langues d oïl ( oïl languages ) are a group of languages or dialects including standard French and its closest… … Wikipedia