oil mining
Смотреть что такое "oil mining" в других словарях:
Mining in Afghanistan — It is estimated that forty million years ago the tectonic plates of India Europe, Asia and Africa collided in a massive upheaval. This upheaval created the region of towering mountains that now includes Afghanistan. That process also deposited… … Wikipedia
Oil and gas deposits in the Czech Republic — The small oil and gas deposits in the Czech Republic are located mainly in south Moravia. Their exploration started in the early years of 20th century, first commercial oil extraction opened in 1919. In 2005 340,600 m³ of crude oil and 98.75… … Wikipedia
mining lien — A special lien for the security of a person furnishing labor or materials toward the development of a mine. Berentz v Belmont Oil Mining Co. 148 Cal 577, 84 P 47 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Oil shale in China — is an important source of unconventional oil. A total Chinese oil shale resource amounts of 720 billion tonnes, located in 80 deposits of 47 oil shale basins. This is equal to 48 billion tonnes of shale oil.[1] At the same… … Wikipedia
Oil shale extraction — is an industrial process in which kerogen mdash;a mixture of organic chemical compounds (including hydrocarbons) found in oil shale mdash;is converted into synthetic crude oil through pyrolysis. In pyrolysis, oil shale is heated in the absence of … Wikipedia
Mining industry of Angola — Mining in Angola is an activity with great economic potential since the country has one of the largest and most diversified mining resources of Africa. Angola is the third largest producer of diamonds in Africa and has only explored 40% of the… … Wikipedia
Mining industry of Ghana — accounts for 5% of the country s GDP and minerals make up 37% of total exports, of which gold contributes over 90% of the total mineral exports. Thus, the main focus of Ghana s mining and minerals development industry remains focused on gold.… … Wikipedia
Mining in Japan — is minimal because Japan possesses very few mining resources. Japanese mining was a rapidly declining industry in the 1980s. Domestic coal production shrank from a peak of 55 million tons in 1960 to slightly more than 16 million tons in 1985,… … Wikipedia
Mining in New Zealand — began when the indigenous Māori quarried rock such as argillite in times prior to European colonisation.[1] Mining by Europeans began in the latter half of the 19th century. New Zealand has abundant resources of coal, silver, iron ore, limestone… … Wikipedia
Oil shale in Jordan — represents a significant resource. Oil shale deposits in Jordan underlie more than 60% of Jordanian territory, with the total resources estimated at 40 to 70 billion tonnes of oil shale.[1] The deposits include a high quality marinite oil… … Wikipedia
Oil and gas law in the United States — is the branch of law that pertains to the acquisition and ownership rights in oil and gas both under the soil before discovery and after its capture, and adjudication regarding those rights. Drilling companies most often lease the rights to drill … Wikipedia