oil duct
Смотреть что такое "oil duct" в других словарях:
oil duct — A pipe or passage through which oil flows under pressure. Also called oil passage or oil way … Dictionary of automotive terms
duct — A tube or channel through which air, gas, or liquid is conducted, conveyed, or moved. Also see air duct NACA duct oil duct … Dictionary of automotive terms
oil passage — A pipe or passage through which oil flows under pressure. Also called oil duct or oil way … Dictionary of automotive terms
oil way — A pipe or passage through which oil flows under pressure. Also called oil duct or oil passage … Dictionary of automotive terms
oil-filled cable — noun (elec eng) Cable with a central duct filled with oil, eliminating gaseous voids and consequent ionization • • • Main Entry: ↑oil … Useful english dictionary
Oil gland — An oil gland is a sebaceous (or sebiferous) gland that secretes sebaceous matter. Oil glands are part of the body s integumentary system and serve to protect the body against germs. They are mainly situated in the corium or true skin. True oil… … Wikipedia
oil gland — noun a gland that secretes oil • Hypernyms: ↑exocrine gland, ↑exocrine, ↑duct gland • Hyponyms: ↑uropygial gland, ↑preen gland, ↑sebaceous gland, ↑sebaceous follicle, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
duct gland — noun a gland that secretes externally through a duct • Syn: ↑exocrine gland, ↑exocrine • Hypernyms: ↑gland, ↑secretory organ, ↑secretor, ↑secreter • Hyponyms … Useful english dictionary
tear duct and gland — or lachrymal duct and gland Structures that produce, distribute, and carry away tears. An almond shaped gland above the outer corner of each eye secretes tears between the upper eyelid and the eyeball. Tears moisten and lubricate the conjunctiva… … Universalium
маслопровод — — [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва] Тематики электротехника, основные понятия EN oil conduitoil ductoil leadoil pipeoil pipeline … Справочник технического переводчика
Hyperkeratinization — is a disorder of the cells lining the inside of a hair follicle. It is the normal function of these cells to detach or slough off () from the skin lining at normal intervals. The dead cells are then forced out of the follicle (primarily by the… … Wikipedia