
ˈɔfˈsteɪdʒ прил. закулисный;
кулуарный, негласный Syn : backstage, behind the scenes a
1) театр. закулисный ;

2) скрытый offstage театр. закулисный ~ скрытый

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "offstage" в других словарях:

  • offstage — [ôf′stāj΄] n. that part of a stage, as the wings, not visible to the audience adj. in or from the offstage [an offstage whisper] adv. 1. in or to the offstage [to go offstage] 2. when not actually appearing before the public …   English World dictionary

  • offstage — ► ADJECTIVE & ADVERB ▪ (in a theatre) not on the stage and so not visible to the audience …   English terms dictionary

  • offstage — [[t]ɒ̱fste͟ɪʤ, AM ɔ͟ːf [/t]] also off stage 1) ADV: ADV after v, n ADV When an actor or entertainer goes offstage, they go into the area behind or to the side of the stage, so that the audience no longer sees them. She ran offstage in tears...… …   English dictionary

  • offstage — off|stage [ˌɔfˈsteıdʒ US ˌo:f ] adv 1.) just behind or to the side of a stage in a theatre, where the people watching a play cannot see ≠ ↑onstage ▪ There was a loud crash offstage. 2.) when an actor is not acting ▪ Offstage, Peter seemed a shy… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • offstage — I noun a stage area out of sight of the audience (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑wing, ↑backstage • Hypernyms: ↑stage II adjective 1. situated or taking place in the area of a stage not visible …   Useful english dictionary

  • offstage — /awf stayj , of /, adv. 1. off the stage or in the wings; away from the view of the audience (opposed to onstage). 2. in one s private life rather than on the stage: Offstage the actress seemed rather plain. adj. 3. not in view of the audience;… …   Universalium

  • offstage — off|stage [ ,ɔf steıdʒ ] adjective, adverb 1. ) in or toward the area behind a theater stage where the audience cannot see: He rushed offstage. The introduction was read by an offstage narrator. 2. ) used for describing what an actor is really… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • offstage — adverb 1 just behind or to the side of a stage in a theatre, where the people watching a play cannot see: There was a loud crash offstage. 2 when an actor is not acting: Offstage Peter always seemed a quiet, shy sort of person. offstage adjective …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • offstage — UK [ˌɒfˈsteɪdʒ] / US [ˌɔfˈsteɪdʒ] adjective, adverb 1) theatre in or towards the area behind a theatre stage where the audience cannot see He rushed offstage. The introduction was read by an offstage narrator. 2) used for describing what an actor …   English dictionary

  • offstage — adverb or adjective Date: 1921 1. on a part of the stage not visible to the audience 2. in private life < known offstage as a kindly person > 3. behind the scenes ; out of the public view < much of the important work of the conference was done… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • offstage — 1. adjective a) Of, or relating to that part of a stage not visible to the audience b) Of, or relating to private life 2. adverb Taking place offstage (as above) …   Wiktionary

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