offshore production platform

offshore production platform
морская эксплуатационная платформа

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "offshore production platform" в других словарях:

  • Offshore drilling — refers to a mechanical process where a wellbore is drilled through the seabed. It is typically carried out in order to explore for and subsequently produce hydrocarbons which lie in rock formations beneath the seabed. Most commonly, the term is… …   Wikipedia

  • Offshore installation manager — The Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) is the most senior manager of an offshore platform operating on the UKCS. Many offshore operators have adopted this UK offshore management model and title and applied it to their operations in all global… …   Wikipedia

  • Oil platform — A typical offshore oil/gas platform. An oil platform, also referred to as an offshore platform or, somewhat incorrectly, oil rig, is a lаrge structure with facilities to drill wells, to extract and process oil and natural gas, and to temporarily… …   Wikipedia

  • Offshore concrete structure — Offshore concrete structures have been in use successfully for about 30 years. They serve the same purpose as their steel counterparts in the oil and gas production and storage. The first concrete oil platform has been installed in the North Sea… …   Wikipedia

  • Offshore aquaculture — uses fish cages similar to these inshore ones, except they are submerged and moved offshore into deeper water. Offshore aquaculture, also known as open ocean aquaculture, is an emerging approach to mariculture or marine farming where fish farms… …   Wikipedia

  • Offshore oil and gas in the US Gulf of Mexico — is a major source of oil and natural gas in the United States. The western and central Gulf of Mexico, which includes offshore Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, is one of the major petroleum producing areas of the United States. In 2007 …   Wikipedia

  • Offshore oil and gas in the United States — provides a large portion of the nation’s oil and gas supply. Large oil and gas reservoirs are found in the sea nearby Louisiana, Texas, California, and Alaska. Environmental concerns have prevented or restricted offshore drilling in some areas,… …   Wikipedia

  • Offshore construction — Offshore wind farm …   Wikipedia

  • Offshore Power Systems — (OPS) was a 1970 joint venture between Westinghouse Electric Company, which constructed nuclear generating plants, and Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock, which had recently merged with Tenneco, to create floating nuclear power plants at… …   Wikipedia

  • Offshore oil and gas in California — All oil drilling into the South Ellwood Offshore field takes place from Platform Holly, about two miles (3 km) offshore in state waters …   Wikipedia

  • Platform supply vessel — Supply ship redirects here. For offshore naval replenishment ships (AOR), see Replenishment oiler. Platform Supply Vessel A Platform supply vessel (often abbreviated as PSV) is a ship specially designed to supply offshore oil platforms. These… …   Wikipedia

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