- offshore marine structure
- сооружение континентального шельфа
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Offshore concrete structure — Offshore concrete structures have been in use successfully for about 30 years. They serve the same purpose as their steel counterparts in the oil and gas production and storage. The first concrete oil platform has been installed in the North Sea… … Wikipedia
Offshore aquaculture — uses fish cages similar to these inshore ones, except they are submerged and moved offshore into deeper water. Offshore aquaculture, also known as open ocean aquaculture, is an emerging approach to mariculture or marine farming where fish farms… … Wikipedia
OFFSHORE (TRAVAUX) — Pris au sens large, les travaux offshore se rapportent à la mise en valeur des diverses ressources de l’océan et de son sous sol. En fait, ils concernent surtout les gisements sous marins de pétrole et de gaz naturel ; et, dans le langage courant … Encyclopédie Universelle
Offshore construction — Offshore wind farm … Wikipedia
Marine habitats — Coral reefs provide marine habitats for tube sponges, which in turn become marine habitats for fishes Littoral zone … Wikipedia
Marine Institute Ireland — Marine Institute, Ireland Agency overview Formed 1991 Headquarters Galway, Ireland … Wikipedia
Marine geology of the Cape Peninsula and False Bay — Contents 1 Introduction 2 The geological structure of the region 2.1 Malmesbury group deposition 2.1.1 Appearance of the exposed Malmesbury group rocks … Wikipedia
Offshore wind power — View of Lillgrund Wind Farm, Sweden Offshore wind power refers to the construction of wind farms in bodies of water to generate electricity from wind. Better wind speeds are available offshore compared to on land, so offshore wind power’s… … Wikipedia
marine ecosystem — Introduction complex of living organisms in the ocean environment. Marine waters cover two thirds of the surface of the Earth. In some places the ocean is deeper than Mount Everest is high; for example, the Mariana Trench and the… … Universalium
Marine (military) — Peruvian Naval Infantry conducting exercises on the Amazon River … Wikipedia
Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni — MCAS Iwakuni MCAS Iwakuni logo IATA: none – ICAO: RJOI Summary Airport type … Wikipedia