offset of debt
Смотреть что такое "offset of debt" в других словарях:
offset — off·set 1 / ȯf ˌset/ n: a claim or amount that reduces or balances another claim or amount: set off the creditor s own debt was an offset; also: the reduction or balance achieved by such a claim off·set 2 /ˌȯf set/ vt: to balance, reduce, or… … Law dictionary
Offset mortgage — An offset mortgage is a type of mortgage common in the United Kingdom used for the purchase of domestic propertiesThe key feature of an offset mortgage is the ability to reduce the interest charged by offsetting a credit balance against the… … Wikipedia
Offset — Elimination of a long or short position by making an opposite transaction. Related: liquidation. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. offset off‧set 1 [ˈɒfset, ˌɒfˈset ǁ ˈɒːfset, ˌɒːfˈset] verb offset PTandPP offsett … Financial and business terms
offset — Taking a second futures or options position opposite to the initial or opening position. Selling (or purchasing) futures contracts of the same delivery month purchased (or sold) during an earlier transaction or making (or taking) delivery of the… … Financial and business terms
debt rescheduling — A negotiation concerning outstanding loans in which the debtor has repayment difficulties. The rescheduling can take the form of an entirely new loan or an extension of the existing loan repayment period, deferring interest or principal… … Big dictionary of business and management
Cancellation of Debt (COD) Income — Part of a series on Taxation Taxation in the United States … Wikipedia
United States public debt — Part of a series of articles on Unit … Wikipedia
Government debt — Public Finance A series on Government … Wikipedia
Bad Debt Reserve — An account set aside by a company to account for and offset losses that arise as a result of defaults from futures loans. This figure may be calculated based on historical norms or other known information about the relative safety of the debt.… … Investment dictionary
bad debt reserve — In accounting, a reserve set aside for losses on uncollectible accounts and notes receivable. An account for bad debts is offset by a reserve for bad debts. When accounts become uncollectible they are written off against the reserve. For tax… … Black's law dictionary
foreign debt — /fɒrən ˈdɛt/ (say foruhn det) noun the amount that must be borrowed to offset a shortfall in a nation s current account, that is, a difference between export income and import spending. Compare national debt …