officious intermeddler — of·fi·cious in·ter·med·dler /ə fi shəs ˌin tər med əl ər/ n: one who unnecessarily meddles in the affairs of another and then seeks restitution or compensation for the beneficial results but who is barred from receiving it Merriam Webster’s… … Law dictionary
Officious intermeddler — An officious intermeddler is a person who voluntarily, and without request or pre existing legal duty, interjects themselves into the affairs of another, and then seeks remuneration for services or reimbursement. Example: Person A leaves for… … Wikipedia
officious intermeddler — noun A person who voluntarily, and without request or pre existing legal duty, interjects themself into the affairs of an other, then seeks remuneration for services or reimbursement. Example: A leaves for vacation for two weeks during the summer … Wiktionary
officious intermeddler — immaterial factor that is treated by a court as if he were present to sing a contract and testify about the intentions of the parties (Law) … English contemporary dictionary
Maxims of equity — The maxims of equity evolved, in Latin and eventually translated into English, as the principles applied by courts of equity in deciding cases before them.[1] Among the traditional maxims are: Contents 1 Equity regards done what ought to be done… … Wikipedia
List of law topics (N-R) — NOTOC Law [From Old English lagu something laid down or fixed ; legal comes from Latin legalis , from lex law , statute ( [ searchmode=none Law] , Online Etymology Dictionary; [http://www.m… … Wikipedia
Activity — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Activity >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 activity activity Sgm: N 1 briskness briskness liveliness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 animation animation life vivacity spirit dash energy … English dictionary for students
busybody — n. Meddler, intermeddler, meddlesome person, officious person, prig … New dictionary of synonyms
maintenance — Making repairs and otherwise keeping premises or instrumentalities in good condition. Support of a person. Wall v Williams, 93 NC 327. The act of improperly, for the purpose of stirring up litigation and strife, encouraging others either to bring … Ballentine's law dictionary