officer of court

officer of court
представитель судебной власти

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "officer of court" в других словарях:

  • officer of court — index counsel, counselor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Field officer's court — Field Field (f[=e]ld), n. [OE. feld, fild, AS. feld; akin to D. veld, G. feld, Sw. f[ a]lt, Dan. felt, Icel. fold field of grass, AS. folde earth, land, ground, OS. folda.] 1. Cleared land; land suitable for tillage or pasture; cultivated ground; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • court reporter — A stenographer who takes down in shorthand during the trial of a case the testimony of witnesses by question and answer and the colloquy between counsel and between counsel and the court, and later prepares transcripts from such record as such… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Court of Civil Jurisdiction — The Court of Civil Jurisdiction was a court established in the late 18th century in the colony of New South Wales which subsequently became a state of Australia. The court had jurisdiction to deal with all civil disputes in the then fledgling… …   Wikipedia

  • Court Commissioners — Term used variously to designate a lawyer appointed to hear facts and report to court. Specially appointed officer of court. A person appointed to conduct judicial sales. In admiralty, an officer appointed to hear and determine certain issues.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Court Commissioners — Term used variously to designate a lawyer appointed to hear facts and report to court. Specially appointed officer of court. A person appointed to conduct judicial sales. In admiralty, an officer appointed to hear and determine certain issues.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • officer — of·fic·er n 1: one charged with administering or enforcing the law a police officer 2: one who holds an office of trust, authority, or command the directors, officer s, employees, and shareholders of a corporation 3: one who holds a position of… …   Law dictionary

  • court-martial — n. (1) A military court that hears cases involving members of the armed forces. (2) A trial or proceeding before a military court. v. To try someone in a court martial. pl. courts martial or court martials The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx… …   Law dictionary

  • officer of the court — index administrator, attorney, esquire Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 officer of the court …   Law dictionary

  • Court security officer — may refer to: Court security officer (England and Wales) Court Security Officers of the United States Marshals Service See also Bailiff Connecticut Judicial Marshal New York State Court Officers Officer of the court …   Wikipedia

  • Court — (k[=o]rt), n. [OF. court, curt, cort, F. cour, LL. cortis, fr. L. cohors, cors, chors, gen. cohortis, cortis, chortis, an inclosure, court, thing inclosed, crowd, throng; co + a root akin to Gr. chorto s inclosure, feeding place, and to E. garden …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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