offering circular
Смотреть что такое "offering circular" в других словарях:
offering circular — A generic term applied to any document which is used to offer securities. Offering circulars are used on issues of all types of security, for example, shares and bonds. The terms offering circular, listing particulars and prospectus are often… … Law dictionary
Offering circular — An offering memorandum (OM) or offering circular (OC) is a type of prospectus (finance) for a bond or other security.[1] The terms offering memorandum , OM , or offering circular , OC , are used instead of prospectus in certain situations, such… … Wikipedia
Offering Circular — An abbreviated prospectus for a new security listing. Delivered to individuals and brokerage houses, these documents are issued to arouse interest in the new issue. An offering circular allows investors to access information regarding a new issue … Investment dictionary
Offering Circular — (проспект эмиссии) документ, раскрывающий информацию о предполагаемом выпуске ценных бумаг для потенциальных инвесторов. Проспект эмиссии содержит информацию о выпуске, включая такие характеристики каждого транша, как: принцип расчета процентных… … Ипотека. Словарь терминов
offering circular — Prospetto informativo redatto secondo i principi internazionali per la distribuzione di titoli all estero … Glossario di economia e finanza
offering circular — / ɒf(ə)rɪŋ ˌsɜ:kjυlə/ noun a document which gives information about a company whose shares are being sold to the public for the first time … Dictionary of banking and finance
preliminary offering circular — A draft final offering circular (also called a pathfinder prospectus in UK equity issues and a red herring in the US) released to potential investors giving them comprehensive information on the issue of securities or bonds and the issuer company … Law dictionary
circular — index dispatch (message), notice (announcement) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
offering memorandum — USA private placement memorandum, Also known as an offering memorandum and offering circular. A document, which is typically used in an unregistered offering of securities, that provides investors with certain information about the issuer of the… … Law dictionary
offering — An issue of securities offered for sale to the public or private group. Securities offerings are generally of two types: primary (proceeds going to the company for some lawful purpose) and secondary (where the funds go to a person other than the… … Black's law dictionary
offering statement — See offering circular … Black's law dictionary