Смотреть что такое "off-premise" в других словарях:
Off Premise Extension — (often known by the acronym OPX, sometimes as Off Premise Station or OPS) is an extension telephone that terminates in a location distant from its parent PBX. OPX is generally used to provide employees with access to their company s phone system… … Wikipedia
Off-Premise Banking — Any bank location other than its main location that provides banking services of any kind that don t require tellers. Off premise banking locations can be found in convenience stores, airports and shopping centers. ATMs can normally be referred… … Investment dictionary
off-premise extension — (OPX) See extension, off premise … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
off-premise station — A PBX station located on property not contiguous with that on which the PBX is located … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Off-Road Velociraptor Safari — Developer(s) Flashbang Studios Publisher(s) … Wikipedia
premise — [prem′is; ] for v., chiefly Brit [ pri mīz′] n. [ME premisse < ML praemissa < L praemissus, pp. of praemittere, to send before < prae , before + mittere, to send: see PRE & MISSION] 1. a) a previous statement or assertion that serves as… … English World dictionary
Off-World Interceptor — Developer(s) Crystal Dynamics Publisher(s) Crystal Dynamics Platform(s) … Wikipedia
Off Armageddon Reef — … Wikipedia
off the premises — (also off premises) : away from or outside of a building or on the area of land that it is on Police escorted her off the premises. The printing of the books is done off the premises. [=at another place] • • • Main Entry: ↑premise … Useful english dictionary
extension, off-premise — (OPX) An extension telephone or PBX station located on property not contiguous with that on which the main station or PBX is located … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
premise — prem|ise W3 [ˈpremıs] n [Date: 1300 1400; : French; Origin: prémisse, from Medieval Latin praemissa, from Latin praemittere to place ahead ] 1.) premises [plural] the buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, company etc uses ▪ Schools may earn … Dictionary of contemporary English