
(кинематографический) (телевидение) при выключенной камере (кинематографический) (телевидение) за пределами кадра в частной жизни (преим. об актерах, общественных деятелях и т. п.)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "off-camera" в других словарях:

  • off-camera — (adj.) 1944, from OFF (Cf. off) (adv.) + CAMERA (Cf. camera) …   Etymology dictionary

  • off-camera — off′ cam′era adj. 1) mot sbz offscreen 1), offscreen 2) 2) not intended to be filmed or recorded by a camera, esp. a TV camera: off camera remarks[/ex] 3) mot sbz out of the range of the camera 4) sbz offscreen 3) • Etymology: 1960–65 …   From formal English to slang

  • off-camera — /awf kam euhr euh, kam reuh, of /, adj. 1. occurring as part of a film or program but outside the range of the motion picture or television camera: the off camera shouts of a mob. adv. 2. out of the range of a motion picture or television camera …   Universalium

  • off camera — on/off/camera phrase while a camera is recording/​not recording what is happening He was caught on camera robbing the bank. He made a few remarks off camera. Thesaurus: recording equipment and general words for recordinghyponym general words for… …   Useful english dictionary

  • off camera — phrasal 1. while not being filmed by a television or movie camera < he s a different person off camera > 2. outside the scope of a television or movie camera < sounds of gunfire taking place off camera > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Off camera — Mit Off camera (kurz Off, englisch für außerhalb) wird eine Aktion in einer visuellen Produktion wie etwa einem Film bezeichnet, während der eine oder mehrere Stimmen von Schauspielern oder Sprechern zu hören sind, die sich außerhalb der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • off-camera — ¦ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ ( ̷ ̷ ) ̷ ̷ adverb (or adjective) 1. : out of the range of a motion picture or television camera chided me off camera during a commercial break W.H.Manville 2. : in private life …   Useful english dictionary

  • off camera — idi out of the range of a television or motion picture camera …   From formal English to slang

  • Off camera — FilmM outside the field of view of your camcorder and not recordable …   Audio and video glossary

  • off-camera —   see offstage …   Glossary of cinematic terms

  • on (or off) camera — while being (or not being) filmed or televised. → camera …   English new terms dictionary

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