off-balance sheet risk
Смотреть что такое "off-balance sheet risk" в других словарях:
off-balance sheet arrangement — USA Defined in Rule 303 of Regulation S K as any transaction, agreement or other contractual arrangement to which an entity that is not consolidated with the company is a party, under which the company has one of the following: • Any obligation… … Law dictionary
Off-balance-sheet — Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis · Cash flow management · Chart of accounts … Wikipedia
Stock And Warrant Off-Balance Sheet R&D - SWORD — A financing option developed to help biotechnology companies access capital that could be used to finance new or ongoing research and development projects by establishing a separate entity. The financing received through outside investors… … Investment dictionary
Risk Participation — A type of off balance sheet transaction in which a bank sells its exposure to a contingent obligation, such as a banker s acceptance, to another financial institution. Risk participation allows banks to reduce their exposure to delinquencies,… … Investment dictionary
risk-weighted assets — /ˌrɪsk ˌweɪtɪd æsets/ plural noun assets which include off balance sheet items for insurance purposes … Dictionary of banking and finance
credit risk — The risk to earnings or capital from the potential that a borrower or counterparty will fail to perform on an obligation. Usually, but not always, the obligation in question is a requirement to make interest or principal payments. Sometimes… … Financial and business terms
ОТЧЕТ О ФИНАНСОВОМ ПОЛОЖЕНИИ — STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITIONБалансовый отчет; отчет, показывающий фин. положение предприятия в определенное время (на определенную дату) и экон. ресурсы фирмы (АКТИВЫ), экон. обязательства (ПАССИВЫ) и остаточные требования собственников… … Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов
АККРЕДИТИВ `СТЭНД-БАЙ` — STANDBY LETTER OF CREDITКонтрактное соглашение, обеспечивающее выполнение фин. или экон. обязательства с участием трех сторон банка, открывшего аккредитив, клиента банка владельца счета и бенефициара (лица, в пользу к рого открыт аккредитив).… … Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов
Securitization — is a structured finance process, which involves pooling and repackaging of cash flow producing financial assets into securities that are then sold to investors. The name securitization is derived from the fact that the form of financial… … Wikipedia
Late-2000s financial crisis — The TED spread (in red) increased significantly during the financial crisis, reflecting an increase in perceived credit risk … Wikipedia
Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act — Full title An Act to promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end too big to fail , to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers… … Wikipedia