off the track
Смотреть что такое "off the track" в других словарях:
off the track — Off course, in the wrong direction • • • Main Entry: ↑track * * * departing from the right course of thinking or behavior … Useful english dictionary
off the track — If something puts or throws you off your track, it distracts you or keeps you from achieving what you want … The small dictionary of idiomes
off the track — mod. not on a productive course; following the wrong lead. □ You are off the track just a little. Let me help you. □ I was off the track for a while, but now everything is OK … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
off the track — If something puts or throws you off your track, it distracts you or keeps you from achieving what you want. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
off the track — away from the path; not on the right course; mistaken … English contemporary dictionary
off the track — idi departing from the objective or the subject at hand; astray … From formal English to slang
throw off the track — {v. phr.} To divert; mislead; confuse. * /The clever criminals threw the detective off the track by changing their names and faces./ Contrast: OFF THE BEATEN TRACK … Dictionary of American idioms
throw off the track — {v. phr.} To divert; mislead; confuse. * /The clever criminals threw the detective off the track by changing their names and faces./ Contrast: OFF THE BEATEN TRACK … Dictionary of American idioms
throw\ off\ the\ track — v. phr. To divert; mislead; confuse. The clever criminals threw the detective off the track by changing their names and faces. Contrast: off the beaten track … Словарь американских идиом
put off the track — index divert, obfuscate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
went off the track — went off the path, veered from his usual direction … English contemporary dictionary