off colour

off colour
ˈɔfˈkʌlə прил.
1) а) необычного цвета (темнее или светлее полагающегося) б) худшего качества;
нечистой воды, (о бриллиантах и т.д.) в) дефектный, неисправный Syn : defective, deficient г) небезупречный
2) а) имеющий нездоровый вид, неважно выглядящий б) дурно настроенный
3) сл. рискованный, сомнительный, непристойный (о поведении, словах) off colour joke Syn : suggestive, disreputable, improper, indecent

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "off colour" в других словарях:

  • off-colour — adj BrE off color AmE 1.) sexually offensive ▪ off color jokes 2.) [not before noun] BrE slightly ill ▪ She s been feeling a bit off colour lately …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • off colour — If someone looks off colour/color, they look ill …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • off-colour — (adj.) see OFF COLOR (Cf. off color) …   Etymology dictionary

  • off-colour — ► ADJECTIVE 1) Brit. slightly unwell. 2) slightly indecent or obscene …   English terms dictionary

  • off-colour — (in AM, use off color) 1) ADJ GRADED: v link ADJ If you say that you are feeling off colour, you mean that you are slightly ill. [BRIT] For three weeks Maurice felt off colour but did not have any dramatic symptoms. Syn: out of sorts 2) ADJ… …   English dictionary

  • off-colour — /ˈɒf kʌlə / (say of kuluh) (especially in predicative use) /ɒf ˈkʌlə / (say of kuluh) adjective 1. defective in colour, as a gem. 2. Also, off. Colloquial unwell: *we were told that the Songman was feeling off colour, due to having eaten too much …  

  • off colour —    If someone looks off colour/color, they look ill.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    If you are off colour, you look or feel ill.     What s the matter with you Tom? You look a bit off colour today …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Off colour — If someone said you were off colour they would mean that you look paleand ill! Not quite the same as something being off colour in the US! …   The American's guide to speaking British

  • off-colour — British & Australian, American & Australian off colour jokes or remarks are about sex in a way that some people find offensive. Some of his jokes were a little off colour and I don t think my grandparents particularly appreciated them …   New idioms dictionary

  • off-colour — BrE off color AmE adjective 1 sexually offensive: Lou followed that up with some fairly off color jokes. 2 (not before noun) especially BrE slightly ill: She s been feeling a bit off colour lately …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • off-colour —    1. vulgar or offensive    The colour is not necessarily blue2:     I don t want any of your off colour stuff from the Drones smoking room. (Wodehouse, 1934)    2. ill    It may describe a temporary affliction, which may make the victim paler… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

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